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Getting parameter name

I searched about it and got the following, python obtain variable name of argument in a function but i am not getting required answer and am actually getting an error saying add () takes exactly 0 arguments when i used kwargs. So reposted to get an answer if there is any.

i have the following code,

def add ( arg1, arg2):  
     z = arg1 + arg2
     print arg1Name, arg2Name, z

x = 10
y = 5  
add( x,y )

i want output as

x y 15
like image 655
Shrinidhi Kanchi Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 06:02

Shrinidhi Kanchi

People also ask

Which method is used to get all the parameter names?

You can obtain the names of the formal parameters of any method or constructor with the method java. lang.

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Java doesn't have named parameters. That's why I said this is "the best Java idiom I've seem for simulating keyword arguments". Objective-C's "named parameters" are also less than ideal, since they force a particular ordering. They aren't true keyword arguments like in Lisp or Python.

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If called on a reference type, the nameof operator returns the name of the current reference, not the name or type name of the underlying object. For example: string greeting = "Hello!"; Object mailMessageBody = greeting; Console. WriteLine(nameof(greeting)); // Returns "greeting" Console.

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There's no problem with giving parameter names and instance variable names the same name. But Java has to pick whether it is an instance variable or a parameter variable.

4 Answers

You should use func_code.co_varnames attribute of your function to access parameters names:

def add(arg1, arg2):
    z = arg1 + arg2
    print ' '.join(add.func_code.co_varnames[:2]) + ' ' + str(z)

add(10, 5)


arg1 arg2 15

You can read more about internal attributes here: https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#types-and-members

like image 70
Eugene Soldatov Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Eugene Soldatov

I think the closest you can get to what you want is as follows:

def add (**kwargs):    

    assert len(kwargs) == 2, "Not enough arguments"    

    keys = kwargs.keys()
    z = kwargs[keys[0]] +  kwargs[keys[1]]
    print keys[0], keys[1], z

x = 10
y = 5  

Results in:

y x 15
t w 22
like image 29
Marcin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


One liner solution here,**kwargs returns a dict, check that with;

def add(**kwargs):
    print (kwargs)


{'y': 10, 'x': 5}

It's a normal dict. You can reach the each element with basic dict methods.

print (kwargs.keys())

dict_keys(['y', 'x'])

Using kwargs is a tradition actually, you can use whatever you want instead of it. Here is the solution,print dict keys and sum of values;

def add(**ChuckNorris): #instead of **kwargs
    print (" ".join(ChuckNorris.keys()),sum(list(ChuckNorris.values())))


x y 15
like image 29
GLHF Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


You can do it using the traceback module.

def get_current_arg_names():
  import traceback, re
  tb = traceback.extract_stack()
  method = tb[-2][2]
  func_call = tb[-3][3]
  args = re.search('%s\s*\((.*?)\)' % method, func_call).group(1)
  return [ x.strip() for x in args.split(',') ]

def add(arg1, arg2):
  z = arg1 + arg2
  print get_current_arg_names(), z
  return z

x = 1
y = 3
print add(x, y)

However the regex would need to be improved and event then, there is a requirement that the function call not be spread across multiple lines.

Better to modify you code if possible as this is messy.

like image 1
Tris Forster Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Tris Forster