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Getting OutofMemoryError- GC overhead limit exceed in pyspark

in the middle of project i am getting bellow error after invoking a function in my spark sql query exception pic

i have written a user define function which will take two string and concat them after concatenation it will take right most substring length of 5 depend on total string length(alternate method of right(string,integer) of sql server )

  from pyspark.sql.types import*

def concatstring(xstring, ystring):
            newvalstring = xstring+ystring
            print newvalstring
                return stringvalue
                return stringvalue1
                return '99999'

spark.udf.register ('rightconcat', lambda x,y:concatstring(x,y), StringType())

it works fine individually. now when i pass it in my spark sql query as column this exception occured the query is

enter image description here

the written query is

spark.sql("select d.BldgID,d.LeaseID,d.SuiteID,coalesce(BLDG.BLDGNAME,('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault')) as LeaseBldgName,coalesce(l.OCCPNAME,('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault'))as LeaseOccupantName, coalesce(l.DBA, ('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault')) as LeaseDBA, coalesce(l.CONTNAME, ('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault')) as LeaseContact,coalesce(l.PHONENO1, '')as LeasePhone1,coalesce(l.PHONENO2, '')as LeasePhone2,coalesce(l.NAME, '') as LeaseName,coalesce(l.ADDRESS, '') as LeaseAddress1,coalesce(l.ADDRESS2,'') as LeaseAddress2,coalesce(l.CITY, '')as LeaseCity, coalesce(l.STATE, ('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault'))as LeaseState,coalesce(l.ZIPCODE, '')as LeaseZip, coalesce(l.ATTENT, '') as LeaseAttention,coalesce(l.TTYPID, ('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault'))as LeaseTenantType,coalesce(TTYP.TTYPNAME, ('select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault'))as LeaseTenantTypeName,l.OCCPSTAT as LeaseCurrentOccupancyStatus,l.EXECDATE as LeaseExecDate, l.RENTSTRT as LeaseRentStartDate,l.OCCUPNCY as LeaseOccupancyDate,l.BEGINDATE as LeaseBeginDate,l.EXPIR as LeaseExpiryDate,l.VACATE as LeaseVacateDate,coalesce(l.STORECAT, (select EmptyDefault from EmptyDefault)) as LeaseStoreCategory ,rightconcat('00000',cast(coalesce(SCAT.SORTSEQ,99999) as string)) as LeaseStoreCategorySortID from Dim_CMLease_primer d join LEAS l on l.BLDGID=d.BldgID and l.LEASID=d.LeaseID left outer join SUIT on SUIT.BLDGID=l.BLDGID and SUIT.SUITID=l.SUITID left outer join BLDG on BLDG.BLDGID= l.BLDGID left outer join SCAT on SCAT.STORCAT=l.STORECAT left outer join TTYP on TTYP.TTYPID = l.TTYPID").show()

i have uploaded the the query and after query state here. how could i solve this problem. Kindly guide me

like image 540
Kalyan Avatar asked Dec 06 '16 09:12


1 Answers

The simplest thing to try would be increasing spark executor memory: spark.executor.memory=6g
Make sure you're using all the available memory. You can check that in UI.


--conf spark.executor.extrajavaoptions="Option" you can pass -Xmx1024m as an option.

What's your current spark.driver.memory and spark.executor.memory?
Increasing them should resolve the problem.

Bear in mind that according to spark documentation:

Note that it is illegal to set Spark properties or heap size settings with this option. Spark properties should be set using a SparkConf object or the spark-defaults.conf file used with the spark-submit script. Heap size settings can be set with spark.executor.memory.


As GC overhead error is garbage collcection problem would also recommend to read this great answer

like image 189
Jarek Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
