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Getting other field values of a line with MIN/MAX values

Here is a sample of my data and what I would like to see:


100     1        yes          pull  
100     2        yes          weld  
100     3        no           grind    
100     4        no           machine  
100     5        no           asmbl  

So I want to select the min(opseq) where opcomplete=no and the max(opseq) where opcomplete=yes, as well as the opcode of the min and max opseq's. In this example that would be:
opcode of min op: grind
max(opseq): 2 opcode of max op: weld

The reason I am looking for this is to get the opcode of the smallest opseq that is NOT complete.
I got the min and max opseqs to work great. This is what I had:

(SELECT   company, jobnum, MAX(oprseq) AS maxclosed, opcomplete
 FROM     joboper AS joboper_2
 WHERE    (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '1')
 GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete) AS t_joboper1 ON joboper.company = t_joboper1.company AND joboper.jobnum = t_joboper1.jobnum INNER JOIN
(SELECT   company, jobnum, MIN(oprseq) AS minopen, opcomplete
 FROM     joboper AS joboper_1
 WHERE    (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '0')
 GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete) AS t_joboper2 ON joboper.company = t_joboper2.company AND joboper.jobnum = t_joboper2.jobnum  

So when I tried to get my opcodes added in, it didn't work, and I started gettings all kinds of duplicate values. This is what I wrote:

(SELECT   company, jobnum, MAX(oprseq) AS maxclosed, opcomplete, opcode as maxopcode
 FROM     joboper AS joboper_2
 WHERE    (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '1')
 GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete, opcode) AS t_joboper1 ON joboper.company = t_joboper1.company AND joboper.jobnum = t_joboper1.jobnum INNER JOIN
(SELECT   company, jobnum, MIN(oprseq) AS minopen, opcomplete, opcode as minopcode
 FROM     joboper AS joboper_1
 WHERE    (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '0')
 GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete, opcode) AS t_joboper2 ON joboper.company = t_joboper2.company AND joboper.jobnum = t_joboper2.jobnum  

Here is my entire code as it stands at the moment (with the opcodes pulling in all the duplicate values:

SELECT     jobhead.company, jobhead.jobnum, jobhead.partnum, 
           jobhead.partdescription, jobhead.startdate, 
           jobhead.reqduedate, jobhead.prodqty, jobhead.qtycompleted,
           joboper.oprseq, joboper.opcode, joboper.opcomplete, 
           joboper.qtycompleted AS joboperqtycomplete, 
           resourcegroup.description AS rgroupdescription,
           dmrhead.dmrnum, poheader.ponum, vendor.name AS vendorname,
           t_joboper2.minopen AS minopen, t_joboper2.minopcode AS minopcode,
           t_joboper1.maxclosed AS maxclosed, t_joboper1.maxopcode AS maxopcode
FROM       jobhead LEFT OUTER JOIN
           joboper INNER JOIN
           (SELECT   company, jobnum, MAX(oprseq) AS maxclosed, 
                     opcomplete, opcode as maxopcode
            FROM     joboper AS joboper_2
            WHERE    (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '1')
            GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete, opcode) AS t_joboper1 
              ON     joboper.company = t_joboper1.company 
            AND      joboper.jobnum = t_joboper1.jobnum INNER JOIN
           (SELECT   company, jobnum, MIN(oprseq) AS minopen, opcomplete, 
                     opcode as minopcode
            FROM     joboper AS joboper_1
            WHERE    (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '0')
            GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete, opcode) AS t_joboper2 
              ON     joboper.company = t_joboper2.company
            AND      joboper.jobnum = t_joboper2.jobnum 
              ON     jobhead.company = joboper.company
            AND      jobhead.jobnum = joboper.jobnum LEFT OUTER JOIN
                     resourcegroup ON joboper.company = resourcegroup.company
            AND      joboper.opcode = resourcegroup.opcode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                     dmrhead ON joboper.company = dmrhead.company
            AND      joboper.jobnum = dmrhead.jobnum
            AND      joboper.assemblyseq = dmrhead.assemblyseq 
            AND      joboper.oprseq = dmrhead.oprseq LEFT OUTER JOIN
                     porel ON joboper.company = porel.company
            AND      joboper.jobnum = porel.jobnum
            AND      joboper.assemblyseq = porel.assemblyseq
            AND      joboper.oprseq = porel.jobseq LEFT OUTER JOIN
                     podetail ON porel.company = podetail.company
            AND      porel.ponum = podetail.ponum 
            AND      porel.poline = podetail.poline LEFT OUTER JOIN
                     poheader ON podetail.company = poheader.company 
            AND      podetail.ponum = poheader.ponum LEFT OUTER JOIN
                     vendor ON poheader.company = vendor.company
            AND      poheader.vendornum = vendor.vendornum  
WHERE     (jobhead.jobreleased = 1)
 AND      (jobhead.jobcomplete = 0) 
 AND      (jobhead.company = 'lot') 
 AND      (jobhead.plant = '001')  

I hope this all makes sense what I am trying to do here. If it isn't completely obvious this is my first time asking a question on here. In advance I appreciate all the help!!!

New - 12-21-12

Thank you both for your help! I tried both of your suggestions, but couldn't get either one to get the exact results I wanted. But each answer helped me get to what it eventually took to get what I needed. Since this is my first question, I don't know what I should do as far as marking which answer as a solution? Like I said, both answers helped me out a lot, and I think that the reason I couldn't get the results I wanted out of them is soley my fault. After working on this more, I realized that even though I tried very hard to be clear in my question, as I go back I see how I could have worded things much better. Again, I appreciate all the help very much, and I look forward to asking better questions in the future!
By the way, this is the code that worked in the end.

 SELECT     jobhead.company, jobhead.jobnum, jobhead.partnum, jobhead.partdescription, jobhead.startdate, jobhead.reqduedate, jobhead.prodqty, jobhead.qtycompleted, 
                  joboper.oprseq, joboper.opcode, joboper.opcomplete, joboper.qtycompleted AS joboperqtycomplete, resourcegroup.description AS rgroupdescription, 
                  dmrhead.dmrnum, poheader.ponum, vendor.name AS vendorname, t_joboper2.minopen, t_joboper1.maxclosed, t_joboper3.opcode AS minopcode
FROM         jobhead LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  joboper INNER JOIN
                      (SELECT     company, jobnum, MAX(oprseq) AS maxclosed, opcomplete
                        FROM          joboper AS joboper_1
                        WHERE      (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '1')
                        GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete) AS t_joboper1 ON joboper.company = t_joboper1.company AND joboper.jobnum = t_joboper1.jobnum INNER JOIN
                      (SELECT     company, jobnum, MIN(oprseq) AS minopen, opcomplete
                        FROM          joboper AS joboper_2
                        WHERE      (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '0')
                        GROUP BY company, jobnum, opcomplete) AS t_joboper2 ON joboper.company = t_joboper2.company AND 
                  joboper.jobnum = t_joboper2.jobnum INNER JOIN
                      (SELECT     company, jobnum, oprseq, opcomplete, opcode
                        FROM          joboper AS joboper_3
                        WHERE      (company = 'lot') AND (opcomplete = '0'))
                         AS t_joboper3 ON t_joboper2.company = t_joboper3.company AND t_joboper2.jobnum = t_joboper3.jobnum AND 
                  t_joboper2.minopen = t_joboper3.oprseq ON jobhead.company = joboper.company AND jobhead.jobnum = joboper.jobnum LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  resourcegroup ON joboper.company = resourcegroup.company AND joboper.opcode = resourcegroup.opcode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  dmrhead ON joboper.company = dmrhead.company AND joboper.jobnum = dmrhead.jobnum AND joboper.assemblyseq = dmrhead.assemblyseq AND 
                  joboper.oprseq = dmrhead.oprseq LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  porel ON joboper.company = porel.company AND joboper.jobnum = porel.jobnum AND joboper.assemblyseq = porel.assemblyseq AND 
                  joboper.oprseq = porel.jobseq LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  podetail ON porel.company = podetail.company AND porel.ponum = podetail.ponum AND porel.poline = podetail.poline LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  poheader ON podetail.company = poheader.company AND podetail.ponum = poheader.ponum LEFT OUTER JOIN
                  vendor ON poheader.company = vendor.company AND poheader.vendornum = vendor.vendornum
WHERE     (jobhead.jobreleased = 1) AND (jobhead.jobcomplete = 0) AND (jobhead.company = 'lot') AND (jobhead.plant = '001')            
like image 660
jenhil34 Avatar asked Dec 20 '12 19:12


2 Answers

Here is one approach:

select JOB,
       min(case when OPCOMPLETE = 'no' then OPSEQ end) as MIN_NO_OPSEQ,
       min(case when OPCOMPLETE = 'no' then OPCODE end) as MIN_NO_OPCODE,
       min(case when OPCOMPLETE = 'yes' then OPSEQ end) as MAX_YES_OPSEQ,
       min(case when OPCOMPLETE = 'yes' then OPCODE end) as MAX_YES_OPCODE
  from ( select JOB,
                rank() over (partition by JOB, OPCOMPLETE order by OPSEQ asc) as R_NO,
                rank() over (partition by JOB, OPCOMPLETE order by OPSEQ desc) as R_YES
           from TABLE_NAME
 where OPCOMPLETE = 'no' and R_NO = 1    -- row with min(OPSEQ) where OPCOMPLETE = 'no'
    or OPCOMPLETE = 'yes' and R_YES = 1  -- row with max(OPSEQ) where OPCOMPLETE = 'yes'
    by JOB


  • not tested.
  • in lines 2–5, each min can be changed to max with no effect, since only one row will meet all the necessary criteria. The min (or max) is only necessary because of the group by: we're combining two rows into one by selecting the non-null value.
  • for information on rank(), see its documentation on MSDN.
like image 81
ruakh Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10


I think this is a lot easier than you are making it, as long as OPSEQ is a unique value:

    opseq, opcode
    opseq in (select min(opseq) from joboper where opcomplete = 'no')
    opseq in (select max(opseq) from joboper where opcomplete = 'yes')
like image 42
ExactaBox Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10
