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getting nth-child of parent

I have a table where I need the first two cells of every row clickable (NOT the entire row). When I click the first or the seccond cell, I want to get the value of the third cell of that same row. To clarify, when I press a1 I want the alert to show c1, If I press b2 I want it to show c2 and If I press c3 I dont want anything to happen.

As you can see, my alert($(this).parent(':nth-child(3)').text()); doesn't work.. how can I achieve this?

$('td:nth-child(-n+2)').on("click", function(){
   alert($(this).parent(':nth-child(3)').text()); //Doesn't work
    border: 1px solid black;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
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Johan Hjalmarsson Avatar asked Dec 01 '15 12:12

Johan Hjalmarsson

2 Answers

you need to use .closest('tr') .. to select parent tr and .find() to select td:nth-child(3)

$('td:nth-child(-n+2)').on("click", function(){

Working Demo

like image 69
Mohamed-Yousef Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09


Use this


Select the parent and then a child of it.


like image 43
Schneyer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
