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Getting mingw-get to install correctly - mingw/msys path missing plus more!


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Does MinGW come with Msys?

MSYS provided by the mingw-w64/w32 project This package is not more than a collection of the 50+ packages provided by mingw.org.

What is Msys in MinGW?

In addition, a component of MinGW known as MSYS (minimal system) provides Windows ports of a lightweight Unix-like shell environment including rxvt and a selection of POSIX tools sufficient to enable autoconf scripts to run, but it does not provide a C compiler or a case-sensitive file system.

I'm running windows XP.

I have been following this tutorial and so downloading mingw-get-inst here.

I've done this a couple times and the last time I checked boes to install EVERYTHING including, but not limited to, gcc, g++, MSYS and the MinGW Compiling Suite. I told it to make a program menu shortcut, too.

I believe I have correctly added MinGW/bin to the Environment Settings' Path.

So I have the shortcut to the MSYS shell now. It goes to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat, but the whole msys directory does not exist!

There are tons of "packages" have been downloaded as far as I can tell ("mingw-get show" brings up a lot!), but it doesn't seem like any of it installed correctly.

Also, should I be able to use commands like "g++ foo.cpp -o foo.exe" from cmd.exe or only from the MSYS shell? Because I was unable to use cmd.exe.

Please help!