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Getting Last Day of Previous Month in Oracle Function

I need a function in Oracle like this.

When i giving a parameter a simple date. Then function should getting me last day of the previous month.


FunctionName(10.02.2011) Result should be 31.01.2011

FunctionName(21.03.2011) Result should be 28.02.2011

FunctionName(31.07.2011) Result should be 30.06.2011 (Even date is last day of month)

How can i do that? By the way, i never use Oracle .

like image 819
Soner Gönül Avatar asked Feb 10 '11 12:02

Soner Gönül

People also ask

How do you get the first and last day of the previous month in Oracle?

Start with today's date using sysdate (3/27) and subtracts one month (2/27). We then Truncate the result using MM for the numerical value of the month(2). This will represent the first day of last month (2/1). The second manipulation requires the use of LAST_DAY instead of TRUNC.

What does Add_months do in Oracle?

ADD_MONTHS returns the date date plus integer months. A month is defined by the session parameter NLS_CALENDAR . The date argument can be a datetime value or any value that can be implicitly converted to DATE . The integer argument can be an integer or any value that can be implicitly converted to an integer.

How do you find the first day of the month in Oracle?

select trunc(<date_input>,'MM') from dual; select trunc(<date_input>,'Mon') from dual; Cheers, Manik.

2 Answers

like image 84
Lamak Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09


As an alternative to the other answers here, you can also find the last day of the previous month by getting the day before the first day of this month

SELECT trunc(your_date, 'MM')-1 as new_date from your_table

I would probably still recommend using last_day(add_months(xxx,-1)) but just showing an alternative.

like image 34
Mike Meyers Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Mike Meyers