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Getting Keycloak's public key



I realized there are many iterations of this questions. But I can't seem to understand the answer correctly.

We have secured our rabbitmq and rest endpoints with a oauth2 spring server similar to this post. But it doesn't have all of the features we need and want. So we would like to use Keycloak. I have been successful with securing the rest endpoint by just going to the new version of spring security 5.1 and specifing the security.oauth2.resource.jwk.key-set-uri and setting the necessary dependencies and configuration.

While trying to secure the RabbitMQ, I have been running into problems checking the bearer token from the message header because the keycloak jwks endpoint isn't returning the true RSA public key.

RabbitMQ uses the CustomMessageListenerContainer to get the token from the message header and uses the DefaultTokenServices to check the token.

From my understanding, the endpoint that responds with the key is https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect/certs Doing a HttpGet on this endpoint, I get a response that looks like the following

    "keys": [{
            "kid": "7JUbcl_96GNk2zNh4MAORuEz3YBuprXilmTXjm0gmRE",
            "kty": "RSA",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "use": "sig",
            "n": "nE9gEtzZvV_XisnAY8Hung399hwBM_eykZ9J57euboEsKra8JvDmE6w7SSrk-aTVjdNpjdzOyrFd4V7tFqev1vVJu8MJGIyQlbPv07MTsgYE5EPM4DxdQ7H6_f3vQjq0hznkFvC-hyCqUhxPTXM5NgvH86OekL2C170xnd50RLWw8FbrprP2oRjgBnXMAif1Dd8kwbKKgf5m3Ou0yTVGfsCRG1_LSj6gIEFglxNHvGz0RejoQql0rGMxcW3MzCvc-inF3FCafQTrG5eWHqp5xXEeMHz0JosQ7BcT8MVp9lHT_utiazhQ1uKZEb4uoYOyy6mDDkx-wExpZkOx76bk_Yu-N25ljY18hNllnV_8gVMkX46_vcc-eN3DRZGNJ-Asd_sZrjbXbAvBbKwVxZeOTaXiUdvl8O0G5xX2xPnS_WA_1U4b_V1t28WtnX4bqGlOejW2kkjLvNrpfQ5fnvLjkl9I2B16Mbh9nS0LJD0RR-AkBsv3rKEnMyEkW9UsfgYKLFKuH32x_CXi9uyvNDas_q8WS3QvYwAGEMRO_4uICDAqupCVb1Jcs9dvd1w-tUfj5MQOXB-srnQYf5DbFENTNM1PK390dIjdLJh4k2efCJ21I1kYw2Qr9lHI4X2peTinViaoOykykJiol6LMujUcfqaZ1qPKDy_UnpAwGg9NyFU",
            "e": "AQAB"

From my understanding, the field with key "n" is supposed to be an RSA256 key. Adding it to a RSAVerifier eventually gets an error of "Caused by: org.springframework.security.jwt.codec.InvalidBase64CharacterException: Bad Base64 input character decimal 95 in array position 2."

However, if I login to keycloak admin page and go into the realm settings-> keys and click the public key, a popup shows the public key minus the "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" headers and footers. Hard coding this enables everything to work.

Is the key encoded? I've tried doing a Base64Utils.decodeFromUrlSafeString and a Base64Utils.decodeFromString. The first returning something smaller and doesn't lool like the key and the later creating an Illegal argument exception Illegal base64 character 5f.

Update: The n being returned is the modulous and e is the public exponent of the public key. But how does one get the actual key string?

like image 904
Thomas Lann Avatar asked Jan 23 '19 01:01

Thomas Lann

People also ask

Where is the public key in Keycloak?

However, if I login to keycloak admin page and go into the realm settings-> keys and click the public key, a popup shows the public key minus the "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" headers and footers. Hard coding this enables everything to work.

What is Keycloak public key?

Keycloak uses asymmetric key pairs, a private and public key, to accomplish this. Keycloak has a single active keypair at a time, but can have several passive keys as well. The active keypair is used to create new signatures, while the passive keypairs can be used to verify previous signatures.

How do I get a public realm key?

When admin rotates the realm keys in Keycloak admin console, the Client Adapter will be able to recognize it and automatically download new public key from Keycloak. However this automatic download of new keys is done just if you don't have realm-public-key option in your adapter with the hardcoded public key.

How do you get a token Keycloak?

Navigate to the Postman Authorization tab of your request. From the Type dropdown menu, select OAuth 2.0: Click on the Get New Access Token button that will open a dialog box for configuring the identity server (Keycloak in our case).

1 Answers

The keys are also directly on https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm, in a format directly exploitable with your code:

  "realm": "my-realm",
  "public_key": "MIIBI...",
  "token-service": "https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect",
  "account-service": "https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm/account",
  "tokens-not-before": 0
like image 195
Cédric Couralet Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 02:01

Cédric Couralet