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Getting INVALID_SENDER on one device while its working with another GCM android

I am following Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to implement GCM with my application it was working fine on single device (Galaxy S) when i tried to test it with another device( Galaxy Tab 7') its generating error.

handleRegistration: registrationId = null, error = INVALID_SENDER, unregistered = null

here is the Log which i am getting

V/GCMRegistrar(5649): Registering app  my_maypackage of senders APA91bHvzZbO_nyYvaA_QRGDaV-wRAYKjt0qJSQmzPUi2unqG7j0OGuyhVY1A3zh-ZfnA0XT0ffgyKypVJ_5owLZvZBNGARpTBkBg9ED8gVVCDejaIpShghq_tXGhMnFQEufwdCL1ibm
V/GCMRegistrar(5649): Setting registeredOnServer status as true until 2013-04-02 11:02:07.847

V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(5649): onReceive: com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION
V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(5649): GCM IntentService class: my_maypackage.GCMIntentService
V/GCMBaseIntentService(5649): Acquiring wakelock
V/GCMBaseIntentService(5649): Intent service name: GCMIntentService-980172650021-7

D/GCMBaseIntentService(5649): handleRegistration: registrationId = null, error = INVALID_SENDER, unregistered = null
D/GCMBaseIntentService(5649): Registration error: INVALID_SENDER
I/GCMIntentService(5649): Received error: INVALID_SENDER
V/GCMBaseIntentService(5649): Releasing wakelock

Note: both devices are configured with same gmail account.

like image 338
amDroid Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 05:03


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What is GCM service on Android?

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What is GCM Senderid?

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2 Answers

Log is showing incorrect sender ID. it should be taken from Google api project url. e.g


then 65464654646546 is sender ID.

like image 199
Shiv Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10


For me what did it was enabling the "Google Cloud Messaging for Android" from the Console's API section: enter image description here

like image 28
s1m3n Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
