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Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin


I got some help earlier regarding selectors, but I'm stuck with the following.

Lets say you have a plugin like this


how can I get the #box as a string in the plugin? Not sure if that's the correct way of doing it, and any other solution would be great as well.

Considering #box is a select dropdown,

The problem I'm having is if I do the regular javascript


The correct option value gets selected,

but if i try the same inside a plugin

..... this.each(function() { var $this = $(this);   $this.val(x); 

the last code doesn't really do anything.

I notice I'm having trouble targeting #box inside the plugin because it's a object and not a string...

Any help would be appreciated.


Edit:: Putting in the code I'm working in for better understanding

(function($){ $.fn.customSelect = function(options) {     var defaults = {         myClass : 'mySelect'     };     var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);       this.each(function() {         // Var                   var $this = $(this);         var thisOpts = $('option',$this);         var thisSelected = $this[0].selectedIndex;         var options_clone = '';          $this.hide();          options_clone += '<li rel=""><span>'+thisOpts[thisSelected].text+'</span><ul>'         for (var index in thisOpts) {             //Check to see if option has any text, and that the value is not undefined             if(thisOpts[index].text && thisOpts[index].value != undefined) {                 options_clone += '<li rel="' + thisOpts[index].value + '"><span>' + thisOpts[index].text + '</span></li>'             }         }         options_clone += '</ul></li>';          var mySelect = $('<ul class="' + settings.myClass + '">').html(options_clone); //Insert Clone Options into Container UL         $this.after(mySelect); //Insert Clone after Original          var selectWidth = $this.next('ul').find('ul').outerWidth(); //Get width of dropdown before hiding         $this.next('ul').find('ul').hide(); //Hide dropdown portion          $this.next('ul').css('width',selectWidth);          //on click, show dropdown         $this.next('ul').find('span').first().click(function(){             $this.next('ul').find('ul').toggle();         });          //on click, change top value, select hidden form, close dropdown         $this.next('ul').find('ul span').click(function(){             $(this).closest('ul').children().removeClass('selected');             $(this).parent().addClass("selected");             selection = $(this).parent().attr('rel');             selectedText = $(this).text();             $(this).closest('ul').prev().html(selectedText);             $this.val(selection); //This is what i can't get to work             $(this).closest('ul').hide();         });      });     // returns the jQuery object to allow for chainability.     return this; } 
like image 285
eek meek Avatar asked Mar 29 '11 18:03

eek meek

People also ask

How do you select the first element with the selector statement?

The :first selector selects the first element. Note: This selector can only select one single element. Use the :first-child selector to select more than one element (one for each parent). This is mostly used together with another selector to select the first element in a group (like in the example above).

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$() does not return the jQuery function, (which is $ itself,) but returns a wrapped set, with all those helpful methods on it.

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jQuery selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their name, id, classes, types, attributes, values of attributes and much more. It's based on the existing CSS Selectors, and in addition, it has some own custom selectors. All selectors in jQuery start with the dollar sign and parentheses: $().

2 Answers

Just a heads-up: .selector() is deprecated in jQuery 1.7 and removed in jQuery 1.9: api.jquery.com/selector. – Simon Steinberger

Use the .selector property on a jQuery collection.

Note: This API has been removed in jQuery 3.0. The property was never a reliable indicator of the selector that could be used to obtain the set of elements currently contained in the jQuery set where it was a property, since subsequent traversal methods may have changed the set. Plugins that need to use a selector string within their plugin can require it as a parameter of the method. For example, a "foo" plugin could be written as $.fn.foo = function( selector, options ) { /* plugin code goes here */ };, and the person using the plugin would write $( "div.bar" ).foo( "div.bar", {dog: "bark"} ); with the "div.bar" selector repeated as the first argument of .foo().

var x = $( "#box" ); alert( x.selector ); // #box 

In your plugin:

$.fn.somePlugin = function() {      alert( this.selector ); // alerts current selector (#box )      var $this = $( this );      // will be undefined since it's a new jQuery collection     // that has not been queried from the DOM.     // In other words, the new jQuery object does not copy .selector     alert( $this.selector ); } 

However this following probably solves your real question?

$.fn.customPlugin = function() {     // .val() already performs an .each internally, most jQuery methods do.     // replace x with real value.     this.val(x); }  $("#box").customPlugin(); 
like image 156
BGerrissen Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09


This page talks about getting the selector:


like image 35
Craig Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
