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Getting " error: Potentially incompatible change required to top-level dependency" error on meteor project




I am getting the following error message when I try to launch my Meteor project

=> Errors prevented startup:                  

   While selecting package versions:
   error: Potentially incompatible change required to top-level dependency: joshowens:accounts-entry 0.7.3, was 1.0.4.
   Constraints on package "joshowens:accounts-entry":

   To allow potentially incompatible changes to top-level dependencies, you must pass --allow-incompatible-update on the command line.

=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.

Ive tried removing the package and updating/downgrading it but I cannot resolve this error or figure out how to run the "-allow-incompatible-update on the command line." command. Any Suggestions?

like image 821
MeteorShower Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 03:02


1 Answers

Use meteor --allow-incompatible-update and the error message is gone.

like image 108
Hustlion Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 10:04
