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Getting error "Callable returned null" when using RxJava2

I am using RxJava2 in my android project.

I am using the following code to create the Observable

public Observable<AlbumDetails> loadAlbumFromAlbumId(final String albumId) {
    return Observable.fromCallable(new Callable<AlbumDetails>() {
        public AlbumDetails call() throws Exception {
             AlbumDetails albumDetails = getAlbumDetails(albumId);     
             return albumDetails;   

From the observable, I am getting following error in the onError method of DisposableObserver

Callable returned null

This didn't use to happend when using RxJava.

like image 972
priyankvex Avatar asked May 03 '17 17:05


3 Answers

I used to have code like this:

Observable<R> obs = Observable.fromCallable(this::work);

work() may return null and as you noted, RxJava 2 is not happy with this.

Method 1

Observable<R> obs = Maybe.fromCallable(this::work).toObservable();

In this way, the end consumer - the observer - will only kick off if work() had anything to return. If work() returned null then it's the same as subscribing to an empty Observer; nothing happens.

Method 2

Observable<R> obs = Observable.create(e -> {
    R r = work();

    if (r != null) {


Method 3:

Wrapping each emission in an Optional = bad idea for a number of reasons.

Mainly because I only use Optional in my APIs if it is expected and sort of the "normal" scenario that you get a null every now and then. If null is not expected or very rare, maybe as a direct result of another API call done by the same consumer, then I return null and let the consumer deal with it in these exceptional cases rather than having every consumer deal with Optional all over the place.

like image 110
Martin Andersson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Martin Andersson

As given here in the wiki :

What's Different in 2.0

RxJava 2.x no longer accepts null values. Having null as a stream element causes a NullPointerException immediately and thus the onError method is called.

This has been done mainly to avoid crashes due to NullPointerException in the apps.

I solved this by a rather simple approach. I checked if the value was null, and if it was, I replaced the null with a placeholder object.

Other more sophisticated approaches also exist that tackle this issue, but for my use case, this simple approach was enough.

like image 8
priyankvex Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10


RxJava 2.x no longer accepts null values without implementing error handler


Observable.fromCallable(() -> null)
    .subscribe(System.out::println, Throwable::printStackTrace);

Observable.just(1).map(v -> null)
    .subscribe(System.out::println, Throwable::printStackTrace);

Solution for your questian

When you call/subscribe this method do like bellow

Observable<AlbumDetails> testObservable= Observable.create(emitter -> { ... });
testObservable.subscribe(t -> System.out.print(t),Throwable::printStackTrace);
like image 3
Askarc Ali Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Askarc Ali