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Getting error after installing docker toolbox on windows. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

enter image description here

After installing docker toolbox, when tried to open kitematic, I am getting below error.

On clicking "Use VirtualBox", I get below error screen

enter image description here

like image 989
Hemanth Bidare Avatar asked Jul 20 '16 05:07

Hemanth Bidare

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How do I run a Docker Toolbox in Windows 10?

Open the installer by double-clicking the .exe file. Choose “Yes” in the Windows security dialog box to allow the program to make changes to your PC. When the Docker Toolbox setup wizard starts, click the “Next” button. Choose the local folder for Docker Toolbox installation.

What is Docker Quickstart terminal?

Docker Quickstart TerminalA pre-configured terminal that you can use to connect to the Docker Daemon which is running within a remote host (the Linux VM powered by VirtualBox). Use case: Allows you to install Docker on macOS and Windows when Docker Desktop isn't an option.

1 Answers

This is a known issue which will be fixed soon, as a temporary solution please try to add this entry to your hosts file (%windir%\drivers\etc\hosts): docker.local

like image 54
omandryk Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
