I am building an app where user is required to fill some data in order to post something, so a fragment consists of EditText
, radio buttons and Spinner
along with RecyclerView
which dynamically renders a number of child layout containing TextView
and EditText
So when user select category from Spinner
, some properties which are related to that category are displayed in RecyclerView
and user can optionally fill some of them.
I have tried to implement this functionality using callback and TextWatcher
but I don't get the values I want.
interface PropertiesCallback {
fun addProp(position: Int, title: String, value: String)
class PropertiesAdapter(private val propertiesCallback: PropertiesCallback)
: RecyclerView.Adapter<PropertiesAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
private var list = listOf<CategoriesAndSubcategoriesQuery.Property>()
fun setData(listOfProps: List<CategoriesAndSubcategoriesQuery.Property>) {
this.list = listOfProps
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
.inflate(R.layout.z_property_input, parent, false)
return ViewHolder(view)
override fun getItemCount(): Int = list.size
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
holder.bind(list[position], position)
inner class ViewHolder(val view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
private val label: TextView = view.findViewById(R.id.label)
private val input: EditText = view.findViewById(R.id.input)
fun bind(prop: CategoriesAndSubcategoriesQuery.Property, position: Int) {
label.text = prop.title()
prop.hint()?.let { input.hint = prop.hint() }
input.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {}
override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {}
override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
propertiesCallback.addProp(position, prop.title(), input.text.toString())
In Fragment
private var propertiesList = mutableListOf<CategoriesAndSubcategoriesQuery.Property>()
private var propertiesInputList = mutableListOf<ProductPropertiesInput>()
private fun setUpSubcategorySpinner() {
subcategoriesAdapter = ArrayAdapter(
subcategory_spinner.adapter = subcategoriesAdapter
subcategory_spinner.onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener {
override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) {
subcategoryId = subcategoriesList[position].id()
//Adding properties
subcategoriesList[position].properties()?.let {
//Clear previous properties data of another subcategory.
override fun onNothingSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>) {}
override fun addProp(position: Int, title: String, value: String) {
val prop = ProductPropertiesInput
//Log.d(TAG, "prop: ${prop.title()} : ${prop.value()}")
submit fun
private fun submitProduct() {
//Initializing properties.
val properties: Any
//The keys needed in final list.
val propertyKeys = propertiesList.map { it.title() }
//Removing objects which keys are not needed.
propertiesInputList.removeAll { it.title() !in propertyKeys }
Log.d(TAG, "propertiesInputList: $propertiesInputList")
//Removing duplicate and assign result in properties var.
properties = propertiesInputList
.distinctBy { it.title() }
Log.d(TAG, "properties: $properties")
for (prop in properties) {
Log.d(TAG, "properties , title: ${prop.title()}, value: ${prop.value()} ")
Above codes is intended to work as. When user types a value in one of the EditText
in RecyclerView
the value will be taken to fragment and added to an object which takes title and value and then added to propertiesInputList
Problem 1: propertiesInputList
will have so many duplicates objects with the same title and I thought the best solution was using distinctBy
Problem 2: When user fills a number of EditText
which are related to let's say category1
and changes his mind and select another category from Spinner
. The previous values which are not part of new chosen category remain in propertiesInputList
list. So I thought the best solution was to clear propertiesInputList
and using removeAll
with the titles related to category to filter unwanted objects.
But now I get only the first letter user types. If user types shoes I get s. So it seems distinctBy
returns the first object but I want to get exactly last word user typed and if the user typed and erased everything I want blank.
Is there a better solution to handle this? Like looping recyclerView
only when user press submit instead of TextWatcher
? Or which part should I fix to make this work?
I don't completely understand what you are trying to achieve here. EditTexts inside a RecyclerView is generally not a good idea for following reasons.
to an EditText, you also need to remove it when the view is recycled or the view holder is bound again. Otherwise, you will end up with multiple listeners and things will go wrong.For the other question that you have,
But now I get only the first letter user types. If user types shoes I get s
That's by design. TextWatcher would emit event every time a character is entered. So you would get s, sh, sho, shoe, shoes. So you can not take an action on this data because the user is still adding something to that field.
You don't know when the user has stopped adding the text to the EditText (or whether user is done). You could use something like debounce
but that is complicated. You should give a button to the user. Take the value when the user taps the button.
I am assuming you have multiple edittexts in the RecyclerView. So you would need to store the values for each edittext because the recyclerview will re-use the views and you'll lose the data. You could do that in your adapter's onViewRecycled
callback. Keep a map of id -> string where you store this data and retrieve when the view holder is bound.
You could also use a TextWatcher but you would have detach it before attaching a new one or in onViewRecycled
If I had something like this, I would use a ScrollView with a vertical LinearLayout (for simplicity) and add EditText based on the requirements. If you want to add TextWatcher, you'd need some kind of stable id.
class EditTextContainer : LinearLayout {
private val views = mutableListOf<EditText>()
private val textWatchers = hashMapOf<Int, TextWatcher>()
... constructor and bunch of stuff
fun updateViews(items: List<Item>, textCallback: (id, text) -> Unit) {
// Remove text watchers
views.forEach { view ->
// More views than required
while (views.size > items.size) {
val view = views.removeAt(views.size-1)
// Less views than required
while (view.size < items.size) {
val view = createView()
view.id = View.generateViewId()
addView(view, createParams()) // Add this view to the container
// Update the views
items.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
val editText = views[item]
// Update your edittext.
addTextWatcher(editText, item.id, textCallback)
private fun createView(): EditText {
// Create new view using inflater or just constructor and return
private fun createParams(): LayoutParams {
// Create layout params for the new view
private fun addTextWatcher(view, itemId, textCallback) {
val watcher = create text watcher where it invokes textCallback with itemId
textWatchers[view.id] = watcher
Your inputs are less to identify the issue. I guess you are making some data collection application with the list of edit text. There is a an issue when you were using the edit text in recycler list. When you scroll down the bottom edit text in the recycler view will be filled with already filled edit text value, even though you user is not filled.
As a work around You can create some sparse array any data structure which will best suitable for you, that can map you position and value like mPropertyValue[] = new String [LIST_SIZE]. , assuming that position of ur list item matches with index of array.
Try updating the index with the value of text watcher mPropertyValue[POSITION] = YOUR_EDIT_TEXT_VALUE
When you want to initialize your edit text use the value by mPropertyValue[POSITION]
You can always make sure that your edit text will be having the right value by this .
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