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Getting DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar


I have a sliding drawer menu in an activity, which has an actionbar with some tabs on it.

I'd like to get the sliding drawer to slide over the tabs , not below them.

This is what it looks like right now...

Sliding menu under action bar tabs

Any ideas on how this could be done?

Note: I understand that I might be breaking some conventions and UI patterns here, and if it does not work at all, I'll look at alternatives. But I'd like to get this working first.

EDIT: See the below screen shot of the Google Play Music app that does exactly what I need. See @CommonsWare's answer below where he does agree that I might be breaking convention. But then given the Play Music app, it may not be altogether that rare either.

Proper navigation with tabs sliding correctly

like image 356
Archit Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 20:06


People also ask

What is navigation drawer?

Android Navigation Drawer is a sliding left menu that is used to display the important links in the application. Navigation drawer makes it easy to navigate to and fro between those links. It's not visible by default and it needs to opened either by sliding from left or clicking its icon in the ActionBar.

What is drawer layout in Android?

DrawerLayout acts as a top-level container for window content that allows for interactive "drawer" views to be pulled out from one or both vertical edges of the window.

1 Answers

you can use below libraries to get navigation model similar to Google play music app.

  • ActionBarSherlock (github)
  • nested-fragments (github)
  • PagerSlidingTabStrip (github)
  • NavigationDrawer (Android developer site)
  • Latest Support v4 library

I have created a project Navigation Drawer with Tab Strip Example at github, have a look at it.

Below is the screenshot of it.


like image 56
Balaji Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
