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Getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG error [closed]

I have couple of wifi connections out of which one works fine whereas the other one only works for some of the websites and services like google.com & skype. Browsing rest of many websites usually gives me that error:


I rarely get following errors as well:


Another very strange thing that I experienced is that repeatedly refreshing a page often opens it whereas it doesn't apply at every web page.

I found many solutions as an outcome of long searches at Google & Stack Overflow but none of these worked. This is not a browser particular issue as getting the same issue on all the browsers I've (i.e. Chrome, Mozilla & IE). I'm getting the same issue at my official machine with Ubuntu OS & personal machine with Win10 OS. Meanwhile I've no problem with web surfing at my mobile and other PCs connected with the same connection.

Detailed information about the real cause and solution (preferably for both Ubuntu & Win10) will be highly appreciable.

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Adil Avatar asked Aug 17 '15 08:08


People also ask

Why do I keep getting this error Dns_probe_finished_nxdomain?

The reason for DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN is typically due to a misconfiguration or problem with your DNS. DNS is short for Domain Name System, which helps direct traffic on the internet by connecting domain names with actual web servers.

What causes DNS probe error?

Normally, this error occurs because a problem with the default DNS server that your computer or device is using. You can easily fix it by changing your default DNS server to other DNS services like Google's DNS, OpenDNS, or maybe one of these services. However, sometimes this error might be created by other causes.

2 Answers

For Ubuntu

These errors indicate that there is some problem with DNS.

  • check cat /etc/resolv.conf for your DNS settings.

  • And add following name server in /etc/resolv.conf for temporary or in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head for permanent

  • To add these two name server address in resolv.conf
    • run command sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf
    • Copy above two line of nameserver paste on last line of resolv.conf
    • Ctrl+S to save.
  • Note: If you add name server only /etc/resolv.conf then when computer is restarted then /etc/resolv.conf is in previous stage. So, to store these nameservers permanently, use following method :

    • run command sudo gedit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
    • Copy above two lines of nameserver and paste on last line of /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
    • Ctrl+S to save.
  • Re-connect internet connection

More Detail On https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_Debugging#DNS_Servers

For Windows:

  • Add these DNS ip on network configuration

  • Tutorial to add DNS in windows is here https://www.opennicproject.org/configure-your-dns/how-to-change-dns-servers-in-windows-7/

  • Re-connect internet connection

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Bhuwan Prasad Upadhyay Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Bhuwan Prasad Upadhyay

Open your cmd and put below two commands

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

Now open run and type ncpa.cpl and press enter . after that on your ipv4 settings you to set below dns on there

Tuitorial : https://tricksmotion.com/how-to-fix-dns_probe_finished_bad_config-problem-in-google-chrome-tricksmotion/

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Tapan Hazra Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Tapan Hazra