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Getting "Another exception was thrown: Instance of 'minified:bV<void>'" while running flutter app on web (localhost)



I am working on a flutter application. Recently I have enabled this application for web and its running fine if I run it from Android Studio by clicking on Run button. The problem is when I run it on localhost or I build it for release it gives en error that is Another exception was thrown: Instance of 'minified:bV<void> and the page appears blank in gray color.

In the page that is broken, I have used flower kind of layout. I have modified this library. It was working fine on localhost too before but, its breaking now.

Please suggest.

Below are the details:

Flutter Version - v1.14.6 (Beta)

Commands: I use below commands to run the app on localhost.

cd build/web
flutter build web -t lib/main_web.dart
flutter pub global activate dhttpd
flutter pub global run dhttpd

Thanks in advance.

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Ashish Tiwari Avatar asked Apr 03 '20 05:04

Ashish Tiwari

3 Answers

For me, it meant I had a null value somewhere. After searching deeper, it was .env_prod files that work for web on local builds in Chrome, but not once published. i had to use "dotenv_prod" for my variable files.

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Wesley Barnes Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Wesley Barnes

My console displayed a similar error message to yours, as well as a blank grey screen. After searching for few days, I found out that the error could be due to an expanded or flexible widget.


just try to remove or replace Expanded widget, it worked for me

Thank you

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Tarun Jain Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Tarun Jain

I had the same error. I don't know enough flutter on a technical level but what fixed it for me was changing the root widget of the web page to a Scaffold .

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kiwiidb Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
