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Getting and removing the first character of a string




People also ask

How do I remove the first two characters of a string?

To remove the first 2 characters from a string, use the slice method, passing it 2 as a parameter, e.g. str. slice(2) . The slice method returns a new string containing the specified portion of the original string.

See ?substring.

x <- 'hello stackoverflow'
substring(x, 1, 1)
## [1] "h"
substring(x, 2)
## [1] "ello stackoverflow"

The idea of having a pop method that both returns a value and has a side effect of updating the data stored in x is very much a concept from object-oriented programming. So rather than defining a pop function to operate on character vectors, we can make a reference class with a pop method.

PopStringFactory <- setRefClass(
  fields = list(
    x = "character"  
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(x)
      x <<- x
    pop = function(n = 1)
      if(nchar(x) == 0)
        warning("Nothing to pop.")
      first <- substring(x, 1, n)
      x <<- substring(x, n + 1)

x <- PopStringFactory$new("hello stackoverflow")
## Reference class object of class "PopString"
## Field "x":
## [1] "hello stackoverflow"
replicate(nchar(x$x), x$pop())
## [1] "h" "e" "l" "l" "o" " " "s" "t" "a" "c" "k" "o" "v" "e" "r" "f" "l" "o" "w"

There is also str_sub from the stringr package

x <- 'hello stackoverflow'
str_sub(x, 2) # or
str_sub(x, 2, str_length(x))
[1] "ello stackoverflow"

substring is definitely best, but here's one strsplit alternative, since I haven't seen one yet.

> x <- 'hello stackoverflow'
> strsplit(x, '')[[1]][1]
## [1] "h"

or equivalently

> unlist(strsplit(x, ''))[1]
## [1] "h"

And you can paste the rest of the string back together.

> paste0(strsplit(x, '')[[1]][-1], collapse = '')
## [1] "ello stackoverflow"

Use this function from stringi package

> x <- 'hello stackoverflow'
> stri_sub(x,2)
[1] "ello stackoverflow"

removing first characters:

x <- 'hello stackoverflow'
substring(x, 2, nchar(x))

Idea is select all characters starting from 2 to number of characters in x. This is important when you have unequal number of characters in word or phrase.

Selecting the first letter is trivial as previous answers:
