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Getting an Error on inserting data when using Linked Server Queries

UPDATE : The issue was col1 was hiereachyid type and even a select didnt work for it.

Hi all,

I am getting this error -

Objects exposing columns with CLR types are not allowed in distributed queries. Please use a pass-through query to access remote object '"RemoteDb"."dbo"."RemoteTable"'.

I have already setup the linked server [RemoteServer.dev.com].I was trying to perform an bulk insert from a remote table into the current table something like this -

INSERT INTO [CurrentDb].[dbo].[Mytable]
 FROM [RemoteServer.dev.com].[RemoteDb].[dbo].[RemoteTable]

Can anyone please help me out..thanks.

like image 266
Vishal Avatar asked Oct 05 '10 15:10


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1 Answers

As the error indicates, you need a pass-through query here because of the datatypes. Try this:

INSERT INTO [CurrentDb].[dbo].[Mytable]
    SELECT col1, col2 
        FROM OPENQUERY([RemoteServer.dev.com], 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM [RemoteDb].[dbo].[RemoteTable]')
like image 62
Joe Stefanelli Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Joe Stefanelli