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Getting an array key using the max() function



I'm using the max() function to find the largest value in an array. I need a way to return the key of that value. I've tried playing with the array_keys() function, but all I can get that to do is return the largest key of the array. There has to be a way to do this but the php manuals don't mention anything.

Here's a sample of the code I'm using:

$arrCompare = array('CompareOne' => $intOne,
                    'CompareTwo' => $intTwo,
                    'CompareThree' => $intThree,
                    'CompareFour' => $intfour);

$returnThis = max($arrCompare);

I can successfully get the highest value of the array, I just can't get the associated key. Any ideas?

Edit: Just to clarify, using this will not work:

$max_key = max( array_keys( $array ) );

This compares the keys and does nothing with the values in the array.

like image 985
Cloudkiller Avatar asked Aug 15 '11 18:08


1 Answers

array_search function would help you.

$returnThis = array_search(max($arrCompare),$arrCompare);
like image 138
kravemir Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
