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Getting all system wallpapers

Is there a way to programatically get all the android system wallpapers?

I know how to get the current one, via WallpaperManager, and then save it to disk. But I want to know if there is a way to access all the pictures that act as system wallpaper included with the O.S.

like image 845
Ton Avatar asked May 12 '12 20:05


People also ask

Where are Android wallpapers stored?

Simply, go to data/data/com. android. settings/files/wallpaper. There, you'll find where your current wallpaper is located.

1 Answers

All the wallpapers are located in the launcher app. As the name of the launcher and its resources may vary accross devices, there is no way to create a reliable way to do this.

On stock Android the wallpapers are located in Launcher2.apk:res/drawable-somedpi. On my devices they were in the drawable-hdpi folder, but this may be different on others.

First get the resources of the launcher (com.android.Launcher2.apk) as described in this answer.

Then you can list the resources, using a method similar to the one in this question.

I haven't tried out all this myself, so it might not work as expected.

like image 141
Thomas Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
