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Getting all css used in html file

I have to get what are all the CSS styles used in a HTML file using JavaScript.

        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                border: 1px solid silver;
                color: blue;

If the above code is my HTML I have to write one JavaScript function inside the head which returns a string like this.

body {
    border: 1px solid silver;
.mydiv {
    color: blue;

Is it possible to do?

like image 268
DonX Avatar asked Nov 05 '09 09:11


People also ask

How can I see my CSS in HTML?

On Chrome's Developer Tools tab (CTRL + SHIFT + I), go to Resources (you may have to enable Resource tracking on that page), and click on the sub-tab Stylesheets. That will show all css files loaded by that page.

How do I get all the CSS of a page?

Similar to other browsers, Google Chrome offers developer tools in order to access the CSS code linked to any particular element on a webpage. Right click on any element on a webpage and choose “Inspect element” or “Inspect” option to open the developer console at the bottom of a webpage as shown in the below picture.

How do I know what CSS is being used?

Take a look at the right hand side, under the styles tab, you'll see a list of all CSS rules, as well as the lines and files in which they are applied. Rules that are overridden are crossed out. You'll probably find your border rule in there.

How do I include all CSS files in HTML?

CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways: Inline - by using the style attribute inside HTML elements. Internal - by using a <style> element in the <head> section. External - by using a <link> element to link to an external CSS file.

1 Answers

For inline stylesheets, you can get the content out of the normal DOM like with any other element:


For external, linked stylesheets it's more problematic. In modern browsers, you can get the text of every rule (including inline, linked and @imported stylesheets) from the document.styleSheets[].cssRules[].cssText property.

Unfortunately IE does not implement this DOM Level 2 Style/CSS standard, instead using its own subtly different version of the StyleSheet and CSSRule interfaces. So you need some sniff-and-branch code to recreate rules in IE, and the text might not be exactly the same as the original. (In particular, IE will ALL-CAPS your property names and lose whitespace.)

var css= [];

for (var sheeti= 0; sheeti<document.styleSheets.length; sheeti++) {
    var sheet= document.styleSheets[sheeti];
    var rules= ('cssRules' in sheet)? sheet.cssRules : sheet.rules;
    for (var rulei= 0; rulei<rules.length; rulei++) {
        var rule= rules[rulei];
        if ('cssText' in rule)
            css.push(rule.selectorText+' {\n'+rule.style.cssText+'\n}\n');

return css.join('\n');
like image 66
bobince Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10
