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Getting Akka.NET to connect to a remote addresses

All the demos I have found showing how to get started with remoting in Akka.NET demonstrate the simplest use case where the two actors are running on the same machine using localhost.

I am trying to get an Akka.NET actor to connect to a remote machine and have run into some difficulty.

The code is extremely simple:

Client Code:

var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@"
    akka {  
        log-config-on-start = on
        stdout-loglevel = DEBUG
        loglevel = DEBUG
        actor {
            provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""

            debug {  
                receive = on 
                autoreceive = on
                lifecycle = on
                event-stream = on
                unhandled = on

            deployment {
                /remoteactor {
                    router = round-robin-pool
                    nr-of-instances = 5
                    remote = ""akka.tcp://[email protected]:666""
        remote {
            dot-netty.tcp {
                port = 0
                hostname = localhost

using (var system = ActorSystem.Create("system1", config))

Server Code:

var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@"
akka {  
    log-config-on-start = on
    stdout-loglevel = DEBUG
    loglevel = DEBUG
    actor {
        provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""

        debug {  
            receive = on 
            autoreceive = on
            lifecycle = on
            event-stream = on
            unhandled = on
    remote {
        dot-netty.tcp {
            transport-protocol = tcp
            port = 666
            hostname = """" //This is the local IP address 

using (ActorSystem.Create("system2", config))

I can successfully connect when I run the actor process on another machine on my local network but when I distribute the same simple example onto a cloud VM I receive the following error:

[ERROR][11/9/2017 3:58:45 PM][Thread 0008][[akka://system2/system/endpointManager/reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2Fsystem1%40localhost%3A28456-1/endpointWriter#1657012126]] Dropping message [Akka.Remote.DaemonMsgCreate] for non-local recipient [[akka.tcp://[email protected]:666/remote]] arriving at [akka.tcp://[email protected]:666] inbound addresses [akka.tcp://[email protected]:666]
Cause: Unknown

I have also tried using "" but that doesn't seem to work either locally or over the net.

Could anyone provide any input on what I might be doing wrong?


I have tried to use the bind-hostname and bind-port options available in Akka.NET as this is supposed to get around the NAT issues I believe I am suffering. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work either, I have tried various configuration options such as using the hostname and IP address as shown below:

remote {
    dot-netty.tcp {     
        port = 666
        hostname = "13.73.xx.xx"

        bind-port = 666
        bind-hostname = ""


The error message I receive when I try the above configuration is:

[ERROR][11/12/2017 5:19:58 AM][Thread 0003][Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport] Failed to bind to 13.73.xx.xx:666; shutting down DotNetty transport.
Cause: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: The requested address is not valid in its context
like image 737
Maxim Gershkovich Avatar asked Nov 09 '17 16:11

Maxim Gershkovich

People also ask

What is Akka remote addressing?

Remote addressing - Akka.Remote extends the Address and ActorPath components of Akka.NET to also now include information about how to connect to remote processes via ActorSelection. Remote messaging - send messages, transparently, to actors running in remote ActorSystem s elsewhere on the network.

Does Akka support multiple network transports?

Multiple network transports - out of the box Akka.Remote ships with support for TCP, but has the ability to plugin third party transports and active multiple of them at the same time. Everything in Akka.NET is designed to work in a distributed setting: all interactions of actors use purely message passing and everything is asynchronous.

What is remote messaging and deployment in Akka?

Remote messaging - send messages, transparently, to actors running in remote ActorSystem s elsewhere on the network. Remote deployment - remotely deploy actors via the ActorOf method onto remote ActorSystem instances, anywhere on the network! The location of your actors on the network becomes a deployment detail in Akka.Remote.

Is it possible to use Akka for remoting?

For an introduction of remoting capabilities of Akka please see Location Transparency. As explained in that chapter Akka remoting is designed for communication in a peer-to-peer fashion and it has limitations for client-server setups.

1 Answers

A few remarks:

In your server config have it bind to (hostname = This way the socket will bind to all local endpoints, in case your cloud hosted env uses multiple network endpoints. Then use set the public-hostname = xxx.australiasoutheast.cloudapp.azure.com. This way the hostname for the server instance is the same as the remoting address you are using in your remoting url.

Do note that the public-hostname (and hostname, if you are not using public-hostname) must be DNS resolvable.

like image 154
Danthar Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
