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Getting a value of 0 when dividing 2 longs in c#

I am trying to divide the values of DriveInfo.AvailableFreeSpace & DriveInfo.TotalSize to try and get a percentage of it to use in a progress bar.

I need the end value to be an int as progressbar.value requires an int and the above methods return a long.

I have this as the values:



When I try and set the progressbar.value using this method I also get an error:


When I use this code to try and get a value it just returns a 0.

label10.Text =  (((int)dInfo.AvailableFreeSpace/dInfo.TotalSize)*100).ToString();

I've even tried this and it doesn't work:

label10.Text = ((dInfo.AvailableFreeSpace/dInfo.TotalSize)*100).ToString();

I know I still have to do some formatting to get it to look good but whenever I run the code it just returns a 0.

Could it have something to do with the conversion from long to int?

like image 312
Zeratas Avatar asked Sep 23 '12 14:09


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1 Answers

Integer division returns only the integer part. So 3/5 will be 0. You'll need to treat at least one of the factors as a floating point number. Try this:

label10.Text =  (((int)((double)dInfo.AvailableFreeSpace/dInfo.TotalSize)*100)).ToString();
like image 177
Tudor Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
