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Getting a reference to a child Fragment after the parent Fragment has been recreated


Starting Android 4.2, Android supports nested Fragments. The doc doesn't give a lot of explanations regarding nested Fragment lifecycles but from experience, it appears their lifecycle is really similar to "regular" Fragments.

It looks like there is one big difference though: child Fragments are not restored when the parent Fragment onCreate method is called. As a consequence, it seems impossible to save/restore a reference to a particular Fragment:

  • Using getChildFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(String) always returns null in parent Fragment onCreate(Bundle) because mActive is null.
  • Using putFragment/getFragment results in a NullPointerException because getFragment looks for the size of a null mActive ArrayList.

So, my question is quite simple. Is there a correct way to retrieve a reference to a child Fragment in the parent Fragment onCreate method?

like image 603
Cyril Mottier Avatar asked Oct 01 '13 09:10

Cyril Mottier

2 Answers

I don't think you can in onCreate as the view isn't constructed at that time. You can in onViewCreated() though. The logic I used is:

  • Check if there is saved state in onViewCreated(), if there is, try to get the child fragment
  • Then check if the child fragment is null, if it is, add it using the child fragment manager.

By "checking" I mean looking up the fragment by id. I guess by tag should work too.

AFAIK you can't get a child fragment before the view hierarchy is restored or created, but you could do the same at later time, for example in onActivityCreated()

like image 162
botteaap Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10


What about setRetainInstanceState(true) on your fragment? Could it solve your problem? It solved some problems when I have ChildFragments in a Fragment. I only have to keep a reference to the childfragment in the fragment.

But I allways did that in onCreateView(). Not sure if it will work in onCreate()

Or do you mean something completely different?

like image 35
sockeqwe Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10
