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Getting a list of words from a Trie




I'm looking to use the following code to not check whether there is a word matching in the Trie but to return a list all words beginning with the prefix inputted by the user. Can someone point me in the right direction? I can't get it working at all.....

public boolean search(String s)
    Node current = root;
    System.out.println("\nSearching for string: "+s);

    while(current != null)
        for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
            if(current.child[(int)(s.charAt(i)-'a')] == null)
                System.out.println("Cannot find string: "+s);
                return false;
                current = current.child[(int)(s.charAt(i)-'a')];
                System.out.println("Found character: "+ current.content);
        // If we are here, the string exists.
        // But to ensure unwanted substrings are not found:

        if (current.marker == true)
            System.out.println("Found string: "+s);
            return true;
            System.out.println("Cannot find string: "+s +"(only present as a substring)");
            return false;

    return false; 

like image 391
user330572 Avatar asked May 08 '10 14:05


People also ask

What is the complexity of searching for all words with a given prefix in a trie?

What is the complexity of retrieving all elements of a given prefix in a prefix tree (trie)? Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I know that searching for a given prefix in a trie is in O(M) where M is the maximum length of any word inserted into the trie.

2 Answers

After building Trie, you could do DFS starting from node, where you found prefix:

Here Node is Trie node, word=till now found word, res = list of words

def dfs(self, node, word, res):
    # Base condition: when at leaf node, add current word into our list
    if EndofWord at node: 
    # For each level, go deep down, but DFS fashion 
    # add current char into our current word.
    for w in node:
        self.dfs(node[w], word + w, res)
like image 117
code muncher Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 13:10

code muncher

The simplest solution is to use a depth-first search.

You go down the trie, matching letter by letter from the input. Then, once you have no more letter to match, everything under that node are strings that you want. Recursively explore that whole subtrie, building the string as you go down to its nodes.

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polygenelubricants Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 14:10
