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Getters in Redux's actions - React Native

I would like to have functions that can get the current state to do some logic with it, without having to pass the current state via parameters to the function.

Here is my example.

In my action file, I have:

export const addToSearchHistory = (newSearch) => ({type: ADD_TO_SEARCH_HISTORY, newSearch})
export const addToCardHistory = (newCard) => ({type: ADD_TO_CARD_HISTORY, newCard})

And for example I would like to have a "getter" function that tells me if the "Search history" has hit 10 items. So what I did is:

export const searchHasMaxHistory = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
  var state = getState()
      search = state.search

  return search.history == 10 ? true : false

And I bind this function with the other "real" actions with bindActionCreators:

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
  return bindActionCreators({

  }, dispatch)

So I'll be accessible as any normal actions. It works well and does exactly what I want.

But the real question is, is it anti-pattern to bind it like an action but it doesn't return an action? May I run into issues or whatsoever by doing that? And is there a "right" solution to do that?

like image 426
Leon Avatar asked Nov 28 '16 13:11


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1 Answers

For this, you should bind your "getter" (which is described as a "selector" in the docs) to your component via the mapStateToProps function.

// the selector (probably in your reducer file)

export const searchHasMaxHistory = state => {
  return state.search.history == 10 ? true : false

// in your component

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    hasHitMaxHistory: searchHasMaxHistory(state)

const mapDispatchToProps = ... // keep the same, remove your "getter"

export default connect(

This approach makes more sense to me, as your component's new prop will behave as intended, and trigger a render() when the returned value changes.

like image 75
vgrafe Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 13:11
