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GetPropertyAction vs System.getProperty in obtaining system variables

I have been using quite a lot of


in order to obtain environmental information. However, it seems to me that Sun prefers the following :

(String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
               new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("property"));

The strange thing is that this code involves a cast and as a result should be slightly slower than the


implementation, that only uses a security manager and then instantly fetches the property from the instance variable props. My question is why did Sun chose to use the second method to obtain most environmental variables in their code internally, while


seems like the faster way to go?

like image 356
Nikola Yovchev Avatar asked Feb 10 '11 08:02

Nikola Yovchev

People also ask

What is difference between system Getenv and system getProperty?

getenv() is for Operating System environment variables, whereas System. getProperty() is for JVM arguments which are passed as -DpropName=value to Java application launcher ( java ).

What are system properties and how it is different from environmental variables?

System properties are specified with command-line options in Java using the -Dname=value while environment variables are set in the operating system, using the EXPORT command in Unix and SET command in windows. To get a specific system property, we can use the System.

What does system getProperty do?

System. getProperty(String key, String definition) allows to set the argument definition i.e. one can set a default value for a specific key.

How do I set system properties in environment variables?

To get a specific system property you can use System. getProperty(String key) or System. getProperty(String key, String def) . Environment variables are set in the OS, e.g. in Linux export HOME=/Users/myusername or on Windows SET WINDIR=C:\Windows etc, and, unlike properties, may not be set at runtime.

1 Answers

Both methods have a different meaning, and thus the right one has to be used depending on what the current code needs to do.

The code System.getProperty("property") says "Give me the value of the property, if the current security context allows me to read it."

The code that uses doPrivileged says "Give me the value of the property, if the current class (where this line of code is in) is allowed to read it."

The difference comes into play, when the protection domain of the current class is different from the currently active security context.

For example, consider a framework which executes the code of a plugin, which is untrusted. So the framework uses a SecurityManager to restrict the actions of the untrusted plugin code. But of course the plugin may call some methods of the framework, and suppose that one of these methods needs to read a property. Now as the method is called from untrusted restricted code, it is itself restricted and thus reading the property would fail. But of course the framework trusts itself and wants itself to be able to read that property, even in the case that somewhere in the call stack is untrusted code. That's when you need to use doPrivileged. It basically says "no matter what is up there in the call stack, I am a piece of framework code, and I am allowed to do whatever the framework code is allowed to do". So reading the property using the second method succeeds.

Of course one needs to be careful when using doPrivileged in order to not let the (untrusted) calling code do to much. If, for example, the framework code offers the following method to the plugin:

public String getProp(String key) {
  return (String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
           new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction(key));

this would completely invalidate the policy that the untrusted code is not allowed to read system properties, because it can just use your method.

So use this method only when you know it is safe to do it, and only when you need it (which is, when you want your code to be able to do more than some other code should be able to do directly). Inside a normal application (which usually runs with no SecurityManager or the same security context for all code), there is no difference and the first method should be used.

like image 104
Philipp Wendler Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

Philipp Wendler