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Get the type of a variable in VBScript

How do I get the type of a variable using VBScript?

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Ash Burlaczenko Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 13:07

Ash Burlaczenko

People also ask

What is the datatype of a variable in VBScript?

VBScript has only one data type called a Variant. A Variant is a special kind of data type that can contain different kinds of information, depending on how it is used. Because Variant is the only data type in VBScript, it is also the data type returned by all functions in VBScript.

How do you call a variable in VBScript?

Declaring VariablesVariables are declared using “dim” keyword. Since there is only ONE fundamental data type, all the declared variables are variant by default. Hence, a user NEED NOT mention the type of data during declaration. Example 1 − In this Example, IntValue can be used as a String, Integer or even arrays.

What is the datatype of a variable in VBScript Mcq?

What is the datatype of a variable in VBScript? It is the datatype specified when that variable is declared. 4.

2 Answers

Is VarType what you need?

Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.

+--------------+-------+---------------------------------------------+ |   Constant   | Value |                 Description                 | +--------------+-------+---------------------------------------------+ | vbEmpty      |     0 | Empty (uninitialized)                       | | vbNull       |     1 | Null (no valid data)                        | | vbInteger    |     2 | Integer                                     | | vbLong       |     3 | Long integer                                | | vbSingle     |     4 | Single-precision floating-point number      | | vbDouble     |     5 | Double-precision floating-point number      | | vbCurrency   |     6 | Currency                                    | | vbDate       |     7 | Date                                        | | vbString     |     8 | String                                      | | vbObject     |     9 | Automation object                           | | vbError      |    10 | Error                                       | | vbBoolean    |    11 | Boolean                                     | | vbVariant    |    12 | Variant (used only with arrays of Variants) | | vbDataObject |    13 | A data-access object                        | | vbDecimal    |    14 | Decimal Value                               | | vbByte       |    17 | Byte                                        | | vbLongLong   |    20 | LongLong integer (64 bit)                   | | vbArray      |  8192 | Array                                       | +--------------+-------+---------------------------------------------+ 

The VarType function never returns the value for Array by itself. It is always added to some other value to indicate an array of a particular type. The value for Variant is only returned when it has been added to the value for Array to indicate that the argument to the VarType function is an array. For example, the value returned for an array of integers is calculated as 2 + 8192, or 8194. If an object has a default property, VarType (object) returns the type of its default property.

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Martin Smith Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10

Martin Smith

If you want to get the type name of an object assigned to a variable with Set, you can use TypeName instead.

Class SomeClass     '' empty class End Class  Dim x Set x = New SomeClass WScript.Echo TypeName(x)  '' displays "SomeClass" 
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Tmdean Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10
