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Get the Type of a generic Interface?




I got a generic Interface like this :

public interface IResourceDataType<T>
    void SetResourceValue(T resValue);

Then I got this class that implements my Interface :

public class MyFont : IResourceDataType<System.Drawing.Font>
    //Ctor + SetResourceValue + ...

And finally I got a :

var MyType = typeof(MyFont);

I, now, want to get the System.Drawing.Font Type from MyType ! At the moment, I got this code :

if (typeof(IResourceDataType).IsAssignableFrom(MyType))
    //If test is OK

But I don't manage to "extract" my Type here... I tried a couple of things with GetGenericArguments() and other things but they either don't compile or return a null value/List... What do I have to do ?

EDIT : Here is the solution that fit my code for those who will get the same problem :

if (typeof(IResourceDataType).IsAssignableFrom(MyType))
    foreach (Type type in MyType.GetInterfaces())
        if (type.IsGenericType)
            Type genericType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
like image 723
Guillaume Slashy Avatar asked Jan 16 '12 14:01

Guillaume Slashy

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1 Answers

Since your MyFont class only implements one interface, you can write:

Type myType = typeof(MyFont).GetInterfaces()[0].GetGenericArguments()[0];

If your class implements several interfaces, you can call the GetInterface() method with the mangled name of the interface you're looking for:

Type myType = typeof(MyFont).GetInterface("IResourceDataType`1")
like image 111
Frédéric Hamidi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Frédéric Hamidi