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get the Type for a object declared dynamic





I would like to get the Type for an dynamic object, something like:

dynamic tmp = Activator.CreateInstance(assembly, nmspace + "." + typeName); Type unknown = tmp.GetType(); 

Except that in the above, GetType() returns the type of the wrapper for dynamic objects not the type of the wrapped object. Thanks!

like image 307
Radu M. Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 13:09

Radu M.

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1 Answers

You need to do this...

Type unknown = ((ObjectHandle)tmp).Unwrap().GetType(); 

By the way, this is a little confusing because if you call Activator.CreateInstance on a type in your current assembly...


...the object is not wrapped and the original code works fine.

like image 88
Eric Farr Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Eric Farr