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get the name of a channel using discord.py

how do I get the name of a channel so that this bot will work on any server its put on with no changes to code necessary? ( in the code where I put "what do I put here" is where I want the name to be in a variable)Thanks

from discord.ext.commands import Bot
import time, asyncio

TOKEN = 'Its a secret'
BOT_PREFIX = ["!"]
client = Bot(command_prefix=BOT_PREFIX)

async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user:

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')
    await start()
    while True:
        currentTime = time.strftime("%M%S", time.gmtime(time.time()))
        if currentTime == "30:00":
            await start()
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def start():
    mainChannel = #What do i put here?
    await client.send_message(mainChannel, "Starting countdown", tts = True)

like image 432
Paletech35 Avatar asked Oct 21 '18 14:10


People also ask

How do I get a channel name in Discord PY?

It should look like this <@! 357240408373198868> and the numbers are the ID. To get a Channel ID right click the channel and click on "Copy ID" then paste it into your Discord or on a text editor. Alternatively type the channel as a mention and place a backslash \ in front of the mention.

How do you copy a channel name in Discord?

You can right click in a server and click on a copy button. After that, you can go to another server and paste it. Resulting in a channel that has the same name.

2 Answers

Getting channel from ID (Recommended)

First, get the ID of the channel (Right click the channel and select "Copy ID")

Second, put the ID in the following code:


For example:


Note: The channel ID is a string in discord.py async, and an integer in rewrite

(Thanks to Ari24 for pointing this out)

Getting channel from name (Not reccomended)

First, get the server using either:

server = client.get_server("ID")


for server in client.servers:
    if server.name == "Server name":

Second, get the channel:

for channel in server.channels:
    if channel.name == "Channel name":

What not to do

Try to always use the ID for each server, as it is much faster and more efficient.

Try to avoid using discord.utils.get, such as:

discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name="Channel name")

Although it does work, it is bad practise as it has to iterate through the entire list of channels. This can be slow and take much more time than using the ID.

From the discord API docs:

discord.utils.get is a helper that returns the first element in the iterable that meets all the traits passed in attrs

like image 86
RulerOfTheWorld Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


Now in rewrite there's a method called discord.utils.get where you can actually getting discord objects with specific parameters

In your case with a channel name:

import discord
channel = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name="Name of channel")

Should be None if discord couldn't find a textchannel with that name

like image 37
Ari24 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
