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Get the list of dates between two dates [closed]

I'm using JDateChooser and I'm making a program that output the list of dates between the selected dates. for example:

date1= Jan 1, 2013  // Starting Date

date2= Jan 16,2013  // End Date

then it will output

Jan 2, 2013...
Jan 3, 2013.. 
Jan 4, 2013..

and so on... until it reaches the end date.

I already finish working on the my program that once you click a date on the JDatechooser it will output the end date automatically. (selected date + 15 days = end dates)

I download the JCalendar or JDateChooser here: http://www.toedter.com/en/jcalendar/

like image 485
Maguzu Avatar asked May 28 '13 06:05


People also ask

How can I get a list of dates between two dates?

We can get the dates between two dates with single method call using the dedicated datesUntil method of a LocalDate class. The datesUntill returns the sequentially ordered Stream of dates starting from the date object whose method is called to the date given as method argument.

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Auto fill a date series in Excel Filling a column or row with dates that increment by one day is very easy: Type the initial date in the first cell. Select the cell with the initial date and drag the fill handle (a small green square at the bottom-right corner) down or to the right.

1 Answers

You should try using Calendar, which will allow you to walk from one date to another...

Date fromDate = ...;
Date toDate = ...;

System.out.println("From " + fromDate);
System.out.println("To " + toDate);

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
while (cal.getTime().before(toDate)) {
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);


This example will include the toDate. You can rectify this by creating a second calendar that acts as the lastDate and subtracting a day from it...

Calendar lastDate = Calendar.getInstance();
lastDate.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
while (cal.before(lastDate)) {...}

This will give you all the dates "between" the start and end dates, exclusively.

Adding Dates to an ArrayList

List<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>(25);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
while (cal.getTime().before(toDate)) {
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);

2018 java.time Update

Time moves on, things improve. Java 8 introduces the new java.time API which has superseded the "date" classes and should, as a preference, be used instead

LocalDate fromDate = LocalDate.now();
LocalDate toDate = LocalDate.now();

List<LocalDate> dates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(25);

LocalDate current = fromDate;
//current = current.plusDays(1); // If you don't want to include the start date
//toDate = toDate.plusDays(1); // If you want to include the end date
while (current.isBefore(toDate)) {
    current = current.plusDays(1);
like image 55
MadProgrammer Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11
