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get the index of point which create ConvexHull

I amtrying to use scipy.spatial (from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull)to draw convex hull of series of points.

import pylab as pl
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull


points = np.concatenate((x, y), axis=1)

hull = ConvexHull(points)

pl.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], 'ro')

for simplex in hull.simplices:
    pl.plot(points[simplex,0], points[simplex,1], 'dk--')    

The problem is I don't correctly understand what is hull.simplices, I want to find the indices of points which are on the facet of convexhull so I can use these indices to get the point from x and y

like image 723
Am1rr3zA Avatar asked Aug 11 '13 07:08


People also ask

How do you check if a point is within a convex hull?

For each of the edges, check whether your target point lies to the "left" of that edge. When doing this, treat the edges as vectors pointing counter-clockwise around the convex hull. If the target point is to the "left" of all of the vectors, then it is contained by the polygon; otherwise, it lies outside the polygon.

What are simplices in convex hull?

A convex hull is the smallest convex object containing all points in a given point set. The convex hull is represented as a set of N 1-D simplices, which in 2-D means line segments. The storage scheme is exactly the same as for the simplices in the Delaunay triangulation discussed above.

How do you find the convex hull of a set?

An intuitve definition is to pound nails at every point in the set S and then stretch a rubber band around the outside of these nails - the resulting image of the rubber band forms a polygonal shape called the Convex Hull.

1 Answers

In the 2-D case, the simplices attribute of the ConvexHull object holds the pairs of indices of the points that make up the line segments of the convex hull. One way to get just the indices is to get the unique elements of the flattened simplices array. But note that the points will not be in an order that follows the convex hull around the set. (In scipy 0.13.0 and later, you can use the vertices attribute to get the indices; see below.)

For example,

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate some random points for the demo.
pts = 0.1 + 0.8*np.random.rand(15, 2)

ch = ConvexHull(pts)

# hull_indices = ch.vertices   # This will work in the scipy 0.13
hull_indices = np.unique(ch.simplices.flat)
hull_pts = pts[hull_indices, :]

plt.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], 'ko', markersize=10)
plt.plot(hull_pts[:, 0], hull_pts[:, 1], 'ro', alpha=.25, markersize=20)
plt.xlim(0, 1)
plt.ylim(0, 1)

This generates:

Plot of points and convex hull

The vertices attribute was added in scipy 0.13.0:

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate some random points for the demo.
pts = 0.1 + 0.8*np.random.rand(15, 2)

ch = ConvexHull(pts)

# Get the indices of the hull points.
hull_indices = ch.vertices

# These are the actual points.
hull_pts = pts[hull_indices, :]

plt.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], 'ko', markersize=10)
plt.fill(hull_pts[:,0], hull_pts[:,1], fill=False, edgecolor='b')
plt.xlim(0, 1)
plt.ylim(0, 1)

convex hull example

like image 92
Warren Weckesser Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10

Warren Weckesser