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Get the IDs of all objects in a list



I have a class like this:

class Foo {
    String bar

I am trying to get the IDs of all the Foo objects whose bar String is in the list bars. I have tried it several ways, always receiving the same error:

java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Collection

Some of the things I have tried:

def ids = Foo.findAllByBarInList( bars )*.id
def ids = Foo.findAllByBarInList( bars ).collect{ it.id }
def ids = Foo.findAllByBarInList( bars ).collect{ it -> it?.id }


I was making bars with split so it was an array, not a list. It threw me off because Foo.findAllByBarInList( bars ) returned my Foo objects just fine, only when I tried to collect the ids did it fail. I now make bars with tokenize instead and all is well.

like image 303
ubiquibacon Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 18:07


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1 Answers

That works for me as long as bars is a List

def bars = ['bar1', 'bar3']
def ids = Foo.findAllByBarInList(bars)*.id

But if all you want is the id field it's a waste to pull entire domain class instances from the database. For now there's just the one field, but in practice it will likely be a larger table. So I'd use an HQL query:

def ids = Foo.executeQuery(
   'select f.id from Foo f where f.bar in (:bars)',
   [bars: bars])
like image 94
Burt Beckwith Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Burt Beckwith