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Get the click event from a button in a django view

i think the title is pretty clear. I want to know when the user clicks the button to run a piece of code in a function in my views.py. lets say i have this html:

    <input type="button" name="_mail" value="Enviar Mail">  

and i want to run this code if the user clicks on it:

                    from_email='[email protected]',

that´s all i want to do.

EDIT: this is the view that i have:

def verFactura(request, id_factura):
    fact = Factura.objects.get(pk = id_factura)
    cliente = Cliente.objects.get(factura = fact)
    template = 'verfacturas.html'
    iva = fact.importe_sin_iva * 0.21
    total = fact.importe_sin_iva + iva

    extra_context = dict()
    extra_context['fact'] = fact
    extra_context['cliente'] = cliente
    extra_context['iva'] = iva
    extra_context['total'] = total

    if  (here i want to catch the click event):
                    from_email='[email protected]',
                    recipient_list =['[email protected]'],

        return HttpResponseRedirect('../facturas')

return render(request,template, extra_context)
like image 695
user3799942 Avatar asked Jul 20 '14 21:07


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How do you call a function in views PY on clicking a button in template HTML in Django?

add the href to the button class and add a line in urls.py. once the button is clicked it will call the view it import's the function and it will call that function.

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1 Answers

You should create this function in your views.py, map it to the url in your urls.py and add event handler using JavaScript (pure JS or using jQuery as shown below):

JS (using jQuery):

$('#buttonId').click(function() {    
        url: your_url,
        method: 'POST', // or another (GET), whatever you need
        data: {
            name: value, // data you need to pass to your function
            click: true
        success: function (data) {        
            // success callback
            // you can process data returned by function from views.py


    <input type="button" id="buttonId" name="_mail" value="Enviar Mail">  


def verFactura(request, id_factura):


    if request.POST.get('click', False): # check if called by click
        # send mail etc.        


Note that if you're going to use POST method you should care about csrf (cross-site request forgery) protection as described HERE

like image 93
Andrei 'finelord' Baibakou Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Andrei 'finelord' Baibakou