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Get the Anaconda prompt running in the PyCharm terminal

I have Miniconda3 installed at C:\Users\me\Miniconda3, and my 'Project Interpreter' within PyCharm set to my conda environment, and that is all working correctly. However it appears that conda is not set for my path variable as if I type conda into the PyCharm Terminal I get

'conda' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Is there a way to set the PyCharm Terminal to behave like the Anaconda Prompt?

I have Windows 10, PyCharm 2018.1 EAP, and conda 4.4.10 installed.

like image 726
Nicholas Avatar asked Mar 20 '18 19:03


People also ask

How do you run Anaconda in terminal?

Windows: You'll find Anaconda Navigator in the Start menu. Linux: Open a terminal window and run the command anaconda-navigator .

How do I get to the Anaconda prompt?

From the Start menu, search for and open "Anaconda Prompt."

How do I run Anaconda from command prompt?

Go with the mouse to the Windows Icon (lower left) and start typing "Anaconda". There should show up some matching entries. Select "Anaconda Prompt". A new command window, named "Anaconda Prompt" will open.

1 Answers

You can change pycharm settings to achieve this.

In Settings > Tools > Terminal, change the Shell path as following:

cmd.exe "/K" "C:\Users\me\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Users\me\Miniconda3"

And the C:\Users\me\Miniconda3 can be replaced by either one of your conda environment name such as base

Close the Terminal and reopen it, you will get the Anaconda prompt.

It works in my PyCharm Community Edition 2018.1.2

like image 137
dd. Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
