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get table join with column value




How can i join tables using column value?

I have three tables as listed below:

  • messages_table

    msg_id  | msg_sub   | msg_to    | to_user_type  | msg_from  | from_user_type
    001     | test      | 88        | manager       | 42        | admin
    002     | test2     | 88        | manager       | 94        | manager
  • admin_table

    admin_id    | admin_name
    001         | Super Admin
  • manager_table

    manager_id  | manager_name
    88          | Mandela
    94          | Kristen

How can i get the desired output as shown below with SQL query. I.e. Join tables with respect to column values when the following criteria is met:

  1. If user_type = admin then it should join with admin_table.

  2. If user_type = manager then it should join with manager_table.

Desired output:

msg_id  | msg_sub   | msg_to_name   | msg_from_name
001     | test      | Mandela       | Super Admin
002     | test2     | Mandela       | Kristen

I.e. Get the join sql query based on column value.


I want to fetch the datafrom sql query not form the serverside coding.

I tried this query from here, i.e. Winfred's Idea ( Answered )

However, I could not understand it.

msg_by_usertype is the column based, where the value manager then it should select manager_table and if it is admin the to admin_table

like image 843
Rafee Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 09:09


People also ask

How to join tables based on column values in SQL?

Join tables with respect to column values when the following criteria is met: If user_type = admin then it should join with admin_table. If user_type = manager then it should join with manager_table. I.e. Get the join sql query based on column value.

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RIGHT Join Consider all rows from the right table and common from both tables. ON keyword is used to specify the condition and join the tables. Query to get the loan_no, status and borrower date from two tables: – Let’s check the output of the above table after applying the right join on them. 3. INNER Join

What is a join query in SQL?

A JOIN query is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a single column which can be used to store the same data from both tables. So we join over that point and join rows.

What is an inner join in SQL?

Inner Join = All common rows from both tables. While joining at least one column should be of the same data type and common among tables. Let us build a query to get the loan_no, status and borrower date from two tables: – Let’s check the output of the above table after applying the inner join on them.

2 Answers

As far as I understood your question, you can try this:

    SELECT msg_id,  
     usersBy.userName AS msg_by, 
     usersTo.userName AS msg_to,  
    FROM messages
    (SELECT admin_id As id, admin_name as userName
      FROM admin_table         
     SELECT manager_id As id, manager_name as userName
      FROM manager_table ) usersTo ON msg_to = usersTo.id  

    (SELECT admin_id As id, admin_name as userName
      FROM admin_table        
     SELECT manager_id As id, manager_name as userName
      FROM manager_table ) usersBy ON msg_by = usersBy.id  

Here is an SQL Fiddle to see how it works. (It only works if you cant have an admin who has the same id like a manager. Id should be unique in both tables.)

like image 69
András Ottó Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

András Ottó

Please use the below SQL

SELECT msg_id,  
     usersBy.userName AS msg_by, 
     usersTo.userName AS msg_to,  
FROM messages
    (SELECT admin_id As id, admin_name as userName,'admin' as usertype
      FROM admin_table         
     SELECT manager_id As id, manager_name as userName,'manager' as usertype
      FROM manager_table ) usersTo 
      ON msg_to = usersTo.id  and  msg_by_usertype = usersTo.usertype 
like image 30
Deepak.Aggrawal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
