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Get string between character using regex c# [duplicate]




What should be the Regex expression to extract string between <> from the following string :

 "MyName"<[email protected]>

How do i only extract [email protected] in c# using regex ? I can extract MyName which is in-between "" using the expression : """([^""]*)""" but i find regex very confusing so can't seem to figure out how to extract the string in-between <> :(

like image 815
Christopher H. Avatar asked Mar 12 '18 15:03

Christopher H.

1 Answers

Here it is:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    string input = "<[email protected]>";
    Regex rx = new Regex(@"<(.*?)>");


This regex contains several parts: < and > symbols say that my text is between them
() - is group declaration, what we see here Groups[1]. Zero group would contain whole line with <> symbols
.* - any character with any length
? - non-greedy search, so if you have there "<[email protected]><asdasd>" it will still return correct value and not get result [email protected]><asdasd


like image 70
Alexey Klipilin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09

Alexey Klipilin