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get stack trace on tryCatch'ed error in R


This is related to some other questions, but I can't seem to figure out how to apply the answer, so I'm asking a new question.

I'm trying to figure out an uninformative error from a piece of code that looks like this:

  error=function(e) { fatal(lgr, paste('caught fatal error:', as.character(e))); 
                      exit.status <<- 1 })

The problem is that the error appears to be related to something buried in a library function:

Error in nrow(x): (subscript) logical subscript too long

That nrow is not in my code, as the C-level error above only applies to a type of indexing that never happens in any of my nrow calls.

So I'd really like to get a stack trace from within that tryCatch. Here's an analogous problem:

x <- function() { y(); }
y <- function() { z(); }
z <- function() { stop("asdf") }

> x()
Error in z() : asdf
> tryCatch(x(), error=function(e) { print(conditionCall(e)) } )
> tryCatch(x(), error=function(e) { dump.frames() } )
> last.dump
$`tryCatch(x(), error = function(e) {
<environment: 0x1038e43b8>

$`tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)`
<environment: 0x1038e4c60>

$`tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])`
<environment: 0x1038e4918>

<environment: 0x1038ea578>

[1] "asdf"
[1] "dump.frames"

How do I get the stack trace that includes the call to y()? Do I have to stop using tryCatch? What's a better way?

like image 545
Harlan Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 21:03


People also ask

How do I trace an error in R?

R provides a number of tools for debugging: traceback() debug() browser() trace() recover() 140.776 Statistical Computing R: Debugging Page 3 traceback() When an R function fails, an error is printed to the screen. Immediately after the error, you can call traceback() to see in which function the error occurred.

What does error stack trace mean?

Stack trace error is a generic term frequently associated with long error messages. The stack trace information identifies where in the program the error occurs and is helpful to programmers. For users, the long stack track information may not be very useful for troubleshooting web errors.

Which R function should be used to get a printout of the current call stack?

Description. By default traceback() prints the call stack of the last uncaught error, i.e., the sequence of calls that lead to the error. This is useful when an error occurs with an unidentifiable error message. It can also be used to print the current stack or arbitrary lists of calls.

2 Answers

For interactive use one might trace(stop, quote(print(sys.calls()))) to print the call stack at the time stop() is invoked.

From ?tryCatch,

 The function 'tryCatch' evaluates its expression argument in a
 context where the handlers provided in the '...'  argument are


 Calling handlers are established by 'withCallingHandlers'...
 the handler is called... in the context where the condition
 was signaled...


>     withCallingHandlers(x(), error=function(e) print(sys.calls()))
withCallingHandlers(x(), error = function(e) print(sys.calls()))





.handleSimpleError(function (e) 
print(sys.calls()), "asdf", quote(z()))

h(simpleError(msg, call))

Error in z() : asdf

This is thwarted if there is an inner tryCatch

    tryCatch(x(), error=function(e) stop("oops"))
}, error=function(e) print(sys.calls()))

as we only have access to the call stack after the tryCatch has 'handled' the error.

like image 58
Martin Morgan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10

Martin Morgan

Yes, it is possible. It is not too elegant in coding, but very helpful in output! Any comments are welcome!

I put it in my misc package, use it from there if you want the documentation. https://github.com/brry/berryFunctions/blob/master/R/tryStack.R The next CRAN version is planned to be released soon, until then:

# or use:


Here it is for fast reference:

tryStack <- function(
tryenv <- new.env()
out <- try(withCallingHandlers(expr, error=function(e)
  stack <- sys.calls()
  stack <- stack[-(2:7)]
  stack <- head(stack, -2)
  stack <- sapply(stack, deparse)
  if(!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) 
    cat("This is the error stack: ", stack, sep="\n")
  assign("stackmsg", value=paste(stack,collapse="\n"), envir=tryenv)
  }), silent=silent)
if(inherits(out, "try-error")) out[2] <- tryenv$stackmsg

lower <- function(a) a+10
upper <- function(b) {plot(b, main=b) ; lower(b) }

d <- tryStack(upper(4))
d <- tryStack(upper("4"))

d <- tryStack(upper("4"))

This is the error stack:




Error in a + 10 : non-numeric argument to binary operator

like image 33
Berry Boessenkool Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10

Berry Boessenkool