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Get result from async method

I have this method in my service:

public virtual async Task<User> FindByIdAsync(string userId)
    if (userId == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
    return await this.repository.FindByIdAsync(userId);

and then in a view I have this code:

using (var service = new UserService(new CompanyService(), User.Identity.GetUserId()))
    var user = service.FindByIdAsync(id);

but the user is the Task and not the User. I tried adding await to the service call, but I can't use await unless the current method is async. How can I access the User class?

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r3plica Avatar asked Jan 02 '14 13:01


People also ask

Can you return from an async function?

Async functions always return a promise. If the return value of an async function is not explicitly a promise, it will be implicitly wrapped in a promise. Note: Even though the return value of an async function behaves as if it's wrapped in a Promise.resolve , they are not equivalent.

1 Answers

The best solution is to make the calling method async and then use await, as Bas Brekelmans pointed out.

When you make a method async, you should change the return type (if it is void, change it to Task; otherwise, change it from T to Task<T>) and add an Async suffix to the method name. If the return type cannot be Task because it's an event handler, then you can use async void instead.

If the calling method is a constructor, you can use one of these techniques from my blog. It the calling method is a property getter, you can use one of these techniques from my blog.

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Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Stephen Cleary