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Get remote servers environment variables

The problem: We have Cobol applications that run from many servers (mostly server 2003) on our network. Many if not all of these applications use environment variables for there setting.

The Question: From one workstation can you gather the full list of environment variables from a list of known servers remote? Optimally i would like to do this in Batch, VBS, or the Powershell.

The Answer: In VBS


Function GetEnvironment(ServerName)

    strComputer = ServerName
    Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
        (strComputer, "root\cimv2", "[ValidLogonName]", "[PasswordForLogonName]")
    objSWbemServices.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
    Set colVar = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery( _
        "Select * from Win32_Environment")
    For Each objVar in colVar
            WScript.StdOut.Write("Server Name: " & ServerName & VBNewLine)
            WScript.StdOut.Write("Description: " & objVar.Description & VBNewLine)
            WScript.StdOut.Write("Name: " & objVar.Name & VBNewLine)
            WScript.StdOut.Write("System Variable: " & objVar.SystemVariable & VBNewLine)
            WScript.StdOut.Write("User Name: " & objVar.UserName & VBNewLine)
            WScript.StdOut.Write("Variable Value: " & objVar.VariableValue & VBNewLine & VBNewLine)

End Function
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Random Developer Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 06:12

Random Developer

2 Answers

Here is the powershell command:

gwmi win32_environment -computername dc1.acme.com

And if you want a condensed version:

gwmi win32_environment -computername dc1.acme.com |select name,variablevalue |ft -auto
like image 159
Miguel Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 15:01


Have not tried it, but you can check this out. the examples is vbscript, change strComputer to the IP address of your remote and see how it goes. For many remote hosts, use a for loop.

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ghostdog74 Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 13:01
