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Get Redis keys and values at command prompt



I have a very small data saved in Redis and the following is working as expected that will allow me to download all keys.

redis-cli keys *  

Is there any way to get the keys+values *?

like image 563
shantanuo Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 10:11


People also ask

How do I get all Redis values?

Redis GET all Keys To list the keys in the Redis data store, use the KEYS command followed by a specific pattern. Redis will search the keys for all the keys matching the specified pattern. In our example, we can use an asterisk (*) to match all the keys in the data store to get all the keys.

How do I find my Redis key-value?

To get the value stored in a key, you can use the GET command followed by the name of the key. The above command tells Redis to fetch the value stored in the specified key. We can use the GET command followed by the unique value as: GET username:3.

How do I access Redis from command line?

To start Redis client, open the terminal and type the command redis-cli. This will connect to your local server and now you can run any command.

How do I view Redis data?

A Redis server has 16 databases by default. You can check the actual number by running redis-cli config get databases. In interactive mode, the database number is displayed in the prompt within square braces. For example, 127.0. 0.1:6379[13] shows that the 13th database is in use.

2 Answers

There's no command for that, but you can write a script to do so.

You will need to perform for each key a "type" command:

> type <key> 

and depending on the response perform:

  • for "string": get <key>
  • for "hash": hgetall <key>
  • for "list": lrange <key> 0 -1
  • for "set": smembers <key>
  • for "zset": zrange <key> 0 -1 withscores

Keep in mind that for hashes and sorted sets you will be getting the keys/scores and values.

A possible sh implementation:

#!/bin/sh -eu keys=`redis-cli keys '*'` if [ "$keys" ]; then     echo "$keys" | while IFS= read -r key; do         type=`echo | redis-cli type "$key"`         case "$type" in             string) value=`echo | redis-cli get "$key"`;;             hash) value=`echo | redis-cli hgetall "$key"`;;             set) value=`echo | redis-cli smembers "$key"`;;             list) value=`echo | redis-cli lrange "$key" 0 -1`;;             zset) value=`echo | redis-cli zrange "$key" 0 -1 withscores`;;         esac         echo "> $key ($type):"         echo "$value" | sed -E 's/^/    /'     done fi 

But do note:

Warning: consider KEYS as a command that should only be used in production environments with extreme care. It may ruin performance when it is executed against large databases. This command is intended for debugging and special operations, such as changing your keyspace layout.


like image 86
seppo0010 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10


Short answer:

for i in $(redis-cli KEYS '*'); do echo $i; redis-cli GET $i; done 

Long answer:

To get all keys:

redis-cli KEYS '*'  

to get the value for a key:

redis-cli GET <your-key> 

and if you want all values:

for i in $(redis-cli KEYS '*'); do redis-cli GET $i; done 

and finally all keys and values:

for i in $(redis-cli KEYS '*'); do echo $i; redis-cli GET $i; done 
like image 35
Clemens Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10
