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Get random numbers in a specific range in java [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
Java: generating random number in a range

I want to generate random numbers using


The only problem is, the method can only take one argument, so the number is always between 0 and my argument. Is there a way to generate random numbers between (say) 200 and 500?

like image 259
imulsion Avatar asked Jul 31 '12 15:07


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2 Answers

Random rand = new Random(seed);
int random_integer = rand.nextInt(upperbound-lowerbound) + lowerbound;
like image 143
CosmicComputer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10


First of, you have to create a Random object, such as:

Random r = new Random();

And then, if you want an int value, you should use nextInt int myValue = r.nextInt(max);

Now, if you want that in an interval, simply do:

 int myValue = r.nextInt(max-offset)+offset;

In your case:

 int myValue = r.nextInt(300)+200;

You should check out the docs:


like image 38
pcalcao Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
