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get query results from cdbcommand Yii




I've been trying to get the results from my query for the past two hours, in my model I have this

public function getQuotes()
            $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select fromm from city_fare_final');            
            return $data ;

in the controller

    public function actionIndex()
    // renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'
    // using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'
            $model=new QuoteForm();


                if ($model->validate())
                    $priceTable=new CityFareFinal;


and in the view

    <div id="moduleResult">                          
        <span><?php echo $model->getQuotes() ;?><------ Here</span>

but it always give me an error saying "Object of class CDbCommand could not be converted to string ", what can I do to get the results of my query made in the model???

Regards Gabriel

like image 533
General Electric Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 09:12

General Electric

2 Answers

public function getQuotes()
            $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select fromm from city_fare_final');            
            return $data ;

Your getQuotes() return Object of class CDbCommand:

+ You returned $data in the function instead of $data->queryRow(). 

By the way, you cannot use echo for array data. The below example is used for fetching data from DB to view by using DAO with Yii: I suppose you have Person model and Person controller

In your Person model:

function getData() {
    $sql = "SELECT * from Person";

    $data = Yii::app()->db
    return $data;

In your controller:

function index(){
    $data =  Person::model()->getData();


In your view: you can foreach your data to echo items in the array data:

<?php foreach($data as $row): ?>
     //show something you want 
     <?php echo $row->name; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
like image 57
secretlm Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 08:12


$data->queryRow(); returns result in array format. Your code is returning $data which is an object not result of query. That's why you are getting this error.

If you want to fetch single value you can use $data->queryScalar();

In case of queryRow() your code will be

public function getQuotes()
        $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select * from city_fare_final');            
        $result = $data->queryRow();            
        return $result ; //this will return result in array format (single row)

for a single field value you code will be

public function getQuotes()
        $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select xyz from city_fare_final');            
        $result = $data->queryScalar();            
        return $result; //return single value of xyz column

I hope this will help.

like image 39
Chetan Ameta Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 08:12

Chetan Ameta