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Get primary key name in eloquent model

How to get name of primary key from model in laravel?

like this

dd(User::primaryKeyName()); // -> 'user_id'

I want to sort data on primary if 'order' is empty

$data = User::orderBy(Input::get('order', User::primaryKey()), 'ASC')->get();

but have

Non-static method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::getKeyName() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
like image 672
KoIIIeY Avatar asked Oct 23 '14 13:10


People also ask

How do I change my primary key in eloquent?

By default, eloquent assume that each model has a primary key column named id. But if you need to change the primary key with your own custom column name you can change it using the protected $primaryKey a property on your model. Additionally, Eloquent assumes that the primary key is an auto-increment integer.

How do you create a primary key for a model?

For defining the primary key, it provides HasKey() method. The Fluent API takes priority over the Data Annotation attributes. To specify the mappings using Code First Fluent API, we have to override the OnModelCreating() method. The OnModelCreating() method is called before the models are created.

Is eloquent an ORM?

Eloquent is an object relational mapper (ORM) that is included by default within the Laravel framework. An ORM is software that facilitates handling database records by representing data as objects, working as a layer of abstraction on top of the database engine used to store an application's data.

2 Answers

The fastest way to do this is probably like so:

(new User)->getKeyName();
(new User)->getTable();

However, I think the two approaches below provide a cleaner interface to the method.

The first approach uses a static method on your base model class:

class BaseModel extends Model
    protected static function KeyName() {
        return (new static)->getKeyName();

    protected static function TableName() {
        return (new static)->getTable();

Then inherit from this class in your model:

class ModelName extends BaseModel

And use like this: ModelName::KeyName();

If you don't have access to a base model class you can also use a trait:

trait EloquentGetTableNameTrait
    public static function TableName()
        return (new static)->getTable();

Which you use like this in your model:

class ModelName
    use EloquentGetTableNameTrait;


Unfortunately, all these approaches require instantiating an instance of the model, but there is currently no other way to retrieve this value.

Reference: https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/1436

like image 176
mark.monteiro Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10


That method tries to get the value from a protected class property return $this->primaryKey; and $this needs a context from a class instance. If you really need to get that name dynamically, you could do this:


So your code would look something like this:

$data = User::orderBy(Input::get('order', App::make('User')->getKeyName()), 'ASC')->get();
like image 20
Bogdan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
