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Get previous value of an observable in subscribe of same observable

Is it possible in knockout to get the current value of an observable within a subscription to that observable, before it receives the new value?


this.myObservable = ko.observable();
    //I'd like to get the previous value of 'myObservable' here before it's set to newValue
like image 648
KodeKreachor Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 15:10


3 Answers

ko.subscribable.fn.subscribeChanged = function (callback) {
    var oldValue;
    this.subscribe(function (_oldValue) {
        oldValue = _oldValue;
    }, this, 'beforeChange');

    this.subscribe(function (newValue) {
        callback(newValue, oldValue);

Use the above like this:

MyViewModel.MyObservableProperty.subscribeChanged(function (newValue, oldValue) {

like image 68
JBeagle Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10


There is a way to do a subscription to the before value like this:

this.myObservable = ko.observable();
    //I'd like to get the previous value of 'myObservable' here before it's set to newValue
}, this, "beforeChange");
like image 90
RP Niemeyer Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10

RP Niemeyer

Little change to Beagle90 answer. Always return the subscription itself to be able to access the dispose() for instance.

ko.subscribable.fn.subscribeChanged = function (callback) {
    var oldValue;
    this.subscribe(function (_oldValue) {
        oldValue = _oldValue;
    }, this, 'beforeChange');

    var subscription = this.subscribe(function (newValue) {
        callback(newValue, oldValue);

    // always return subscription
    return subscription;
like image 21
Andries Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10
