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Get output of mongo shell script



as a part of my mongoDB maintenance I'm running mongo shell and make it to load 2 scripts. The command I'm running looks like follows:

$MONGO_HOME/bin/mongo --verbose --port 27017 replSetConfig.js initializeReplicaSet.js

The output I got is:

MongoDB shell version: 2.2.3
Thu Mar  7 03:00:00 versionCmpTest passed
Thu Mar  7 03:00:00 versionArrayTest passed connecting to:
Thu Mar  7 03:00:01 creating new connection to:
Thu Mar  7 03:00:01 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG
Thu Mar  7 03:00:01 connected connection!
loading file: js/replSet.config.js
loading file: js/initializeReplicaSet.js

I'm redirecting the output to a log file but I would like to see some output of the loaded scripts as well. I.e. the output which I see in the shell if I start it and call load("...") for the very same scripts. Is there a way how to capture the output?


like image 817
Jan Zyka Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 10:03

Jan Zyka

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1 Answers

To add output of scripts you must use print() or printjson() statements otherwise MongoDB will remain quiet about any output of a script.

like image 54
Sammaye Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
