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Get out of a void method?

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How do you exit a void method?

Use return; instead of return(0); to exit a void function.

How do you exit a method in Java?

Exit a Java Method using Returnexit() method in java is the simplest way to terminate the program in abnormal conditions. There is one more way to exit the java program using return keyword. return keyword completes execution of the method when used and returns the value from the function.

Can you return from void?

Return from void functions in C++ The void functions are called void because they do not return anything. “A void function cannot return anything” this statement is not always true. From a void function, we cannot return any values, but we can return something other than values.

This is strictly equivalent and the second version is the way to go :)

Yes, that's absolutely fine.

Some people dogmatically stick to "one exit point per method" - which was appropriate when it was relatively tricky to make sure you always did the right amount of clean-up at the end of a function in C, for example... but it's not really necessary in C#.

Personally I think it's appropriate to return as soon as you know that you've done all the work you really want to in a method. Use try/finally or using statements to perform any extra "clean up however I exit" work.

yes return gets you out of the method; if you have a finally block and you call return from the try block, the finally block is executed anyway.

Yes, the return statement ends the method.

Yes, the return will exit you out of the code. It's generally good practice as the very first step in a function to verify that the parameters that were passed in are what you think they are and exit (via the return or throwing an exception) so that you don't do any unnecessary processing only to have to abort later in the function.