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Get Notification when a video starts or stops in UIWebView

Hello i am new to objective - c

I'm having a problem with the UIWebView and MPMoviePlayerController: My UIWebView has a movie inside the html (it's a local html file), I'm using html5 and a video tag for the video.

I want a notification when video starts or stops in UIWebView....

I have tried using MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification, but it doesnt fire ...

I have also tried to make the my main UIViewController's view a view of my own, and intercept -didAddSubview: and -willRemoveSubview:. but with no sucess...

Does any body know how to get notification from uiwebview??

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Krunal Doshi Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 06:11

Krunal Doshi

2 Answers

You can observe @"MPAVControllerPlaybackStateChangedNotification" (use nil for the object). This notification isn't documented so I don't know if the App Store will approve your app.

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

The notification has the key MPAVControllerNewStateParameter in its userInfo. The value seems to be 0 before playback starts, 1 when it is paused, 2 when it is playing, and 3 (momentarily) when you are dragging the playback slider.

- (void)playbackStateDidChange:(NSNotification *)note
    NSLog(@"note.name=%@ state=%d", note.name, [[note.userInfo objectForKey:@"MPAVControllerNewStateParameter"] intValue]);
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rob mayoff Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

rob mayoff

I searched alot about this..Here is the solution that I have found for getting the playback end notification call. Tested code on iOS6.0 and above. All thanks to @Morten.

In viewDidLoad add observer

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

Then simply add following javascript code webViewDidFinishLoad delegate as below

- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
    [videoView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"\
                                    var intervalId = setInterval(function() { \
                                        var vph5 = document.getElementById(\"video-player\");\
                                        if (vph5) {\
                                        } \
                                    }, 100);"];

- (void)playbackDidEnd:(NSNotification *)note
//do your stuff here
    [videoView removeFromSuperview];
    videoView.delegate = nil;
    videoView = nil;

You will get playbackDid End call in the above selected and can do whatever is your requirement. Happy Coding !!

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Sourabh Bhardwaj Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Sourabh Bhardwaj