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Get names of keywords for Julia methods

I have a function like

function f(a = 1; first = 5, second = "asdf")
    return a

Is there any way to programatically return a vector with the names of the keyword arguments. Something like:

# returns [:first, :second]

I realise that this might be complicated by having multiple methods for a functionname. But I was hoping this would still be possible if the exact method is specified. For instance:

# returns [:first, :second]
like image 285
Stuart Avatar asked Jul 20 '21 23:07


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1 Answers

Just use Base.kwarg_decl()

julia> Base.kwarg_decl.(methods(f))
2-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:first, :second]

If you need the first parameter a as well you could also try:

julia> Base.method_argnames.(methods(f))
2-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [Symbol("#self#"), :a]
like image 67
Przemyslaw Szufel Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Przemyslaw Szufel